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Question: Inspire me!.!.!.!?
Go on, see if you can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
BANG! Ratta-tat!. BOOM! FLIBBERDY BOBSKOO!. WANGLEFUNK JIMBLEBROOM!. I've got a big bag of sausages and they're all yellow like a terapin's concept of crockery!. Do you want to know a secret!? I've got twenty seven aunts and there isn't any possible way to disprove that!. You are confined by your body!. You can't grow a beard on your toe!. Take 17 a day and the swelling should go UP but then down and if you turn around you'll see some badgers dancing the conga!. Now shut up and sit down and tell yourself how you feel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okaaay!. This would make it easier for each of us if you gave more of an idea of what kind of inspiration you want, but I'll give it a shot!.

Some people think that God only wants perfection from us, and punishes us/ denies us Heaven when we are not!.

That is not at all true, or a wise belief!. He is perfect, but He in no way expects that from us!. He chose to make us imperfect, and loves us anyway!. He sent His only son to literally save us (even us, here, in the future) from going to Hell after sinning!. If we only ask for His forgiveness, which He eagerly does!.

And for those who think Christians are think that they're perfect and will got to Heaven by doing "good deeds", that's also wrong!. That's what moral relativity is, basically- it's what YOU think is good, and your definition is going to be vastly different than others!. Who are you to say it's OK to sleep around, or that having many wives is wrong, etc!.!? Everyone thinks differently!. The fact is, being related to my statement above, forgiveness, NOT good deeds (because one can never do enough good deeds to be considered truly good) can get you into Heaven,if you believe in it!.

Philosophically inspirational enough!? :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

your the source of the entire cosmos!. In the center of your being between all destinctions( the void between the inhale and the exhale) lies you your higher self, never changing, all knowing, all pervading, formless, never born, eternal self!. This eternal state is your only truth!. You abide in this state!. Your perfect, eternal, whole!. Bring this part of yourself to this planet and be a light unto this world!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

okay follow these instructions!.
breath in slowly!.hold it for a sec!.(take note of that sec)now breath out!.
okay see that moment between exhaling and inhaling, doesn't it feel really good and refreshing!.
well i believe that life parralells with breathing!. we have very few moments of feeling absoluetly perfect, and you gotta go through alot to get it!.(this is really hard to put into words)Www@QuestionHome@Com