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Position:Home>Philosophy> FATE! Does your life seem linear and or cyclical?

Question: FATE! Does your life seem linear and or cyclical!?
I've wondered for a while now if this is something that affects everyone!.!.!. my life has always seemed incredibly linear to me, like the plot of a film or something, regardless of what i do it progresses, (i tested this theory by moving into an apartment i couldn't afford to pay for and the money always seemed to turn up, now it's a few months later and I'm still here) life also seems very cyclical for a while life sucks!.!.!. then it's great!.!.!. then it sucks again for a while etc, everything that happens makes perfect sense when i look at the big picture, not sure if I'm getting my point across but does anyone else's life seem to be working out like this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I kind of realize that if one does the same thing everyday they yield practically the same results!.

Until something unexpected happens!. And then that opens up a course of change!.

And within that change, we begin to do the same pattern of everyday living, until the next change occurs!.

Its one repeated cycle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The predestine plan of Fate, being accepted as a persons linear mode of ending is faceted with many theoretic influences!. Astrology, astronomy, environment, or other paranormal distractions!. You are always pulled one way or another!. This influence thus interrupts any traveling direction of a linear nature and puts your fate into a cyclical pattern!.
An example of cyclical mode is; your born, raised, schooled, marry, then have children who continues the cycle of life!.
Good things happen in a cycle - as well as bad things, but all these make life an adventure!. Just go with the plan!.

I see it as a kind of a sphere that is ever expanding, three-dimentionally!. Every action, every incidents has a million consequenses, thus the web is multipled is all directions!. In this way it can appear both circular and linear at the same time!. You go round and forward at the same time!. You recognise the patterns, but as you do so you also recognise how much further you've come since last time that particular pattern occured!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A spiral perhaps!. Up or down!. Going round and round but aways travelling in a linear direction overall!. Thats how I think of it!. One layer of a spiral is the foundation for the next!. So we come back to similar things but it will have slightly changed or we will have added to the experience in some way!. also think on the downward spiral when someone has lost all will to move foward!. It is easy to slip back wards even though the slope is hardly perceived but there we find all to soon back to where we've already been, full circle, kind of!. So onwards and upwards I say!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's like your saying that life takes care of itself!. i don't believe this!. Look how many homeless people there are! Soldiers dying in Iraq! People dying everyday! Their lives didn't take care of themselves!.

We must use our logic, and always be one step ahead!. There is no bigger picture!. It's all random!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course it progresses!. Life doesn't just stop!. Life is different for everyone!. If you don't like the way it is, change it!. Do something big!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The microbes in your nostrils are probably asking the same thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If those are our only two options for an answer, I would have to say life is more cyclical and repetitious!.

Your apartment exercise, how abouts did the money to pay rent "always seem to turn up"!?

I would speculate that thinking of the cycle as being so black and white (sucks, great, sucks) is a bit linear in thought itself!. Life must contain portions that are not so desired, so that feelings of satisfaction or "joy" may arouse!. Without a negative, there can be no positive!.

In the modern life there are plenty of patterns for me to recognize it as a cycle!. Wake up, eat, go to work, eat, head home, eat, go to sleep, rinse and repeat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com