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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do people find it so difficult to believe something can come from nothing, w

Question: Why do people find it so difficult to believe something can come from nothing, when we're living proof of it!?
Originally something had to come from nothing, or there would be nothing here!. That is a manifest fact!.

There are only a few conclusions from this!. Either there never was nothing, or something happened to put it all there!. But what could come out of nothingness to do that!? How can there be nothing in infinity anyhow where there is an infinite number of possibilities!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yeah thats one of lifes greatest mysteries!. actually, that is THE great question of life : why is there SOMETHING and not NOTHING!. So far, i havent heard any good explanation for it!. there is the Big bang theory which is logical until you go back in time and ask why it first started!. Religion isnt logical either!. they simply say 'god did it'!. but then who created god!? they will of course respond by saying 'god was always there' which is of course a pardox!. frankly, either way, our existence is one giant paradox!. the universe was probably created in a way that our simple human minds could never comprehend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't understand!.
If you're talking about evolution then we didn't come from nothing, matter cannot be created or destroyed only converted from one form into another!.

If you're talking about the universe then space and time are part of the same thing, spacetime!. There can be no such thing as "before" the universe because time only exists as a part of space, space only exists as a part of time!. "before time" makes as much sense as "square circle", the definitions are incompatible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take zero!. Split it into several parts which cancel out in total!. For instance, +1,+2,+3,+4,-2,-3,-5

The sum total is zero, but each part has value, some positive and some negative and the values are such that in totality they balance out!.

May be this is how our universe may have come out of 'nothingness' and that is why we observe plenty of opposites almost universally and further, there seems always to be a grand balance amongst all existence at any point in time!.

An interesting way to imagine how everything could have come out of nothing! Nothing is impossible and we may never know for sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Does nothing really exist!?

Even when we look inside an empty box and see nothing there is the air inside!.

There is so much that we simply do not see or sense!. Nothing is a constraint imposed on us by our own restrictions!.

It's probably a very healthy thing - it is so difficult to take in everything we do know that the concept of nothing is a nice breather!.

Nothing encompasses everything!. I am happy with somethings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As the evolution help to believe the thing around the universe through mind or the brain hemispheres!. Whatever you dream then the matter will center to integrate your dream to the fact !. so far we can create the things by mutual integrated mind aproach the inner and outer-world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All science teaches and demonstrates nothing comes of nothing!.

Hence, some Thing has always been!. This is likely "God," as matter is not eternal, again per science!.

"Nothing" permits not even a quantum fluctuation, permits no space, no time, no causation!.

"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on how you want this answered!. Scientifically we still havent worked all the ins and out of life out!. We cannot proove we came from nothing!. The concept of there being something that has been with us since we can (as a species) remember!. Religions of some form of another have existed since the first reminants of (human) life!. Even Neanderthals buried their dead with offerings!. It seems to be our coping mechinism for the things we do not understand!. We cannot tell if the things that we count as supernatural are simply our own senses or something more!. Science can tells us what effects us to cause such phenomena but not why it occurs!.

I would argue that there was probably something there just somethig insubstantial!. Science tells us that energy does not get destroyed it changes form!. Is there a possibility of this God / Godesss we here so often!? Did they create this matter!?

To sum up this question I think What your actually asking is Why!? Well Why not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gosh, I got caught in another trap!.

I just don't read the bottom part!. So I will answer the top part!.

People find it so difficult to believe something can come from nothing because people want to believe that they come from something!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only conclusion you can come to is there never was nothing!. I believe you're right that the alternatives aren't possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The same way we create our future now-thought!. Try thinking about bad luck- you will have it all day long!. Think about good luck with excitement and you will have that instead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes we are all nobodies!.!.!.and nothing matters!.!.!.if you say there never was nothing!.!.!.MEANS there was SOMETHING right!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because the reaction is something!Www@QuestionHome@Com

good point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com