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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is God really exists... Why doesn′t he do something about the wrecked world?

Question: Is God really exists!.!.!. Why doesn′t he do something about the wrecked world!?
And don′t tell me he let us decide!. Too much suffering in the world to believe someone kind and nice loves us, and does absolutely NOTHING for the needed!.!.!. with such power to do whatever he wants!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most Christians are brainwashed into believing this crazy chaos is our own fault!. Apparently it was Eve, who may have never existed anyway!. If one chick was PMSing and decided to eat a fruit - a god daamn fruit! - that God told her not to eat, why would he punish everyone in the entire world!? I think the guy has issues!.
Christians will always say God loves us and cares about us just because, but no one will ever think about the true answer!.
I'm with you!. God is wacked up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From my point of view there's nothing wrecked about the world, some unpleasant things happen but on the whole it is better than it has ever been!. Perhaps it's your outlook that is at fault!.

also, it would be better if you asked such polarizing questions in the trolling ground of the Religion and Spirituality section, where this question is asked every 10 minutes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hypotethically He could say:

I have created a wonderful world, I gave mankind the use of a first class intellect, I gave mankind freedom of choice, freedom to decide and what has mankind done in return!?
Poisoned the planet, is constantly quarelling with his neighbours, is guilty of gross negligence and mismanagement of the planet's resources, refuses to accept responsibility over and over again individually and collectively!.
I could go on and on about mankind's shortcomings!.
But you get the picture!.
If you were God, would you not be a tad p**d off!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the version of God that you are seeking is only visible to those that believe in that version!.

You clearly do not!. You believe in a God that is above us but doesn't control everything!. A God that is simply above us and is responsible for certain things, but not everything!.

Or maybe you don't believe in God at all!.

Either way, God will not physically fix the universe, but you can fix your own life and make the world a brighter place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ah this is the problem of evil!.
It's something that's known as of the divine triangle
This is that, if God is all loving and all powerful, (ie he HAS the power to stop it) then he cannot love us because he watches us suffer!.
However, maybe God did not have the power to stop us but was still all loving - is it worth worshipping a God who doesn't have the power to deliver us from evil!?

There are also some theodicies that have a "deist" view, this is that God created the earth and then had no more to do with it and could be the possible reason for evil - however this would be a criticism towards miracles as God doesn't involved!.!.!.so you see there are answers to this questions but there are arguments everywhere!! It's a never ending question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is definitely an open ended question!. God created utopia!. Everything existed in harmony and peace, he created humans as well and gave them free will!. First to sin where Adam and Eve, and by not obeying they turned against their Holy Father!. That is the point where God decided to punish them!. From the very beginning people had a free will!. He advised them not to sin, but they were the ones who decided to disobey!. Today you also have a choice!. You can lead a moral and ethical lifestyle, and you will suffer much less than a person who decides to literally trash his life with sex, drugs and Rock-n-Roll!. Do innocent people suffer!? yes!. Why!? Maybe because through problems this particular person will learn something!. Who knows maybe that is the only way to bring him/her to God, maybe it Gods way to changing his character, his viewpoints, we don't know!. Everything is for the best, and if we succumb to that we will lead a healthy and happy life!. Again, everybody has a choice!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

first off who wrecked it!?
did ya hear the one about the man in a flood
(forgive me in the Midwest)
the police came said evacuate he said I'll stay God will take care of me!.
the rescue boat came still he said God will protect me
a helicopter came to his roof top once again he proclaimed God will watch over me
He drowned
came before God and asked why did you not rescue me!?
God said who do you think sent the police,the boat the helicopter!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

"God is the fire that burns down a man's house!. And the timber that rebuilds it!." If he were only Good then he wouldn't be considered Almighty!. Everything would be unbalanced, as many prophets and philsophers have said before!. (Yin and Yang, you've heard of it right!?)

Don't think just about the negative times but of the good times as well!. What do you expect!? A Rambo with a white beard dropping down from the sky with lighting bolts and an evil banishing cannon!? He does alot for the needy!. He created the universe, the earth, and the soil that brings forth our harvest and cattle!. We are the ones who ignored this gesture of obvious kindness and decided not to share!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lot is the result of our own actions!. And don't be fooled, he hurts seeing us this way, but its the result of what people have done in this world!. And I know you said not really to say this, but he gave us the choice, and so people have made bad ones, he's given us the free will, and so we have to deal with the results of that, and the bad choices we make!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To quote Epicurus:
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able!? Then he is not omnipotent!.
Is he able, but not willing!? Then he is malevolent!.
Is he both able and willing!? Then whence cometh evil!?
Is he neither able nor willing!? Then why call him God!? "

The only answer possible to the Riddle of Epicurus is that there is no evil!. That everything we call "bad" happens for a reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Without suffering, there'd be no compassion"!. Spoken by a wise girl, played by Mandy Moore, in A WALK TO REMEMBER!.

It's true: we have suffering for a reason!. We are given tests and pain tosee if we are strong or not!. Those who just blame God for their own problems are not very strong people!. And if people weren't so hateful and bitter and accepted Jesus, there'd be a little more love and less hate in the world!. But suffering is inevitable!.

He IS kind, and He does indeed help us, guides us!. That's why we pray!. Heck, he even does nice things for nonbelievers like you!.

I got a thumbs-down, I see, for not saying what some people think!. How strange!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Things happen!. God never said life would be easy!. All those people who doubt him and dont trust expect help from him!? The faithful are those who are with him!. "In the time of trouble, he shall hide me"!. Those also who are faithful know that the Lord is watching us and staying with us!. And the Holy Spirit is comforting us!. "Wait on the lord!." He will answer you prayers!. He may not come when you want him, but he is always on time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because we have to deal with our own problems, we have free will, if god healed it we wouldent follow rules, like for example!. BMW e!.g god: builds a car!. you get given the car e!.g life you fck it up you go buy another car, your stuck with a broken car because YOU didnt use it right, or someone else never used thiers right, its not BMW's fault your cars are broken is it!? do they do anything about it if you crash!? no!.
hope it makes sence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is logically impossible for a god to be simultaneously omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent!. It is entirely possible to believe that no such thing as a god exists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What do you want, another flood!?!?
I think you're being ridiculous!. If the world is suffering, why do you want more pain!? Before anything positive can occur, something negative will come!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not to offend anyone but there is no god!. The idea of god was developed long ago before science to explain everything!. What makes god real!? Just think about what Im saying and not what you were taught growing up and it will make sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it never says anywere tht god loves us he has power but he doesnt have to use it when he knows if we uke ourselves he can just recreate and get rid of certain imperfections and continue the procees until one group of people is perfectWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's contradictory!. If there is war or the holocaust or other great suffering in the world, God does not act!. But people tell me that he helped them when they had little personal problems!. Why do people pray God for help!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

because he will help those that have faith!. Alot of ppl that are wrecked dont have faith, and they will stay like that forever!.hard 2 explain, read a bibleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Don't you realize that if God took out everyone who did anything wrong, then He would have to take out you and me for we have also sinned against God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

www!.godisimaginary!.com you should read that!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perspective 1: The same reason I don't clean up my daughters' room until the mess gets life-threatening!.

Perspective 2: This is all temporary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i don't believe in go but i believe there has to be somthing!. and every thin including somthings can have downfalls and sad moments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If God exists and he is omnipotent,
evidently He wants it this way!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because that's the way things are suppose to be at the end of time!. Read the Bible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its the fault of man for falling in sin but with Christ he payed everything on the crossWww@QuestionHome@Com

In the bible is says, we create our own fate!. It's our fault we brought this amoung our world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You want a deity to clean your room!?Www@QuestionHome@Com