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Position:Home>Philosophy> Everyone whos here: Are we doing enough?

Question: Everyone whos here: Are we doing enough!?
What should we be doing right now!? In the most general sense, should we be doing something else!? Is this it!? As good as it is!.!.!.!?
Could we all get together and form a peace movement!? We all have so much to talk about, what do we have in common!? Just the keyboard!? The boredom!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
no - we are living absolutely nonesense lives!. People in the next 1000 years will laugh at us as we would laugh at people of the 10th century!.


I have to say I have done enough or I would be ill with tension!.

I have been an activist all my life and am now at retirement age and it was never enough !. Causes demand the impossible and i have burned out so many times from trying to achieve the unachievable - putting my energy into undoable tasks!. It is soul destroying chipping away with very little sign that anything is changing

I wish you luck - if you propose anything - I may well join in but for now I am trying to avoid the idea that I am not enough - not doing enough not being enough - and saying my mantra!.

I am enough
I have enough
I do enough

Maybe from this position I can at least be an example of ease and peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just what we need is more people getting together to talk about something!. That is all that is happening now!. And then everyone pats themselves on the back and goes home knowing they have accomplished something!. Yeah sure you betcha!. Why not forget about the big picture and just make a smidge of difference right where you are every day!. Start your own little project to please yourself and do it!. You can't change THE world but you can change YOUR world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unfortunately it is too late to do anything!.We have had many opportunities in the past to make this world a better place but instead we have created untold misery for many people and now we have to pay the price for our sinfulness!.From 2010 the world will undergo very great sufferings and very great changes!. This will be a chastisement from God for the sins of the world!. The punishment is inevitable because we cannot expect the conversion of the entire world!. The chastisement can be mitigated by prayers and penance!. It cannot be suppressed!. Atheists and other non-believers will have their proof for the existence of God sometime in 2010!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm willing to brainstorm with you, drop an email anytime to myprofile!.!.!.!.

1) Maybe quanity isn't the answer, but what we are all presently doing on answers this very moment, could we in effect do it better and with more clarity, tolerance, etc!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your question is difficult to decifer but a believe you are trying to ask what is the meaning of life!? That in its self is a hard question to answer so here goes, to repoduce or to be immortal!. I hope that answers it!. And hey if your bored go kick a ball around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lets plan a march on washington and demand education reform!
We could turn it into an anual event!.
also election reform also!
And demand equal rights for all of our nations citizens!
Drop me a line we will brainstorm and invite others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one ever done enough, we too, and any movement we start, ends with boredom, leaving always something to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah very true, I join hands in the movement!.!. drop in more details to take it ahead!.!. this is not at all enough, and most of it an utter waste of time and resource!.!. lets make some wealth out of it!.!. cheers :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Humanities is our common interests!. I don't necessarily
agree with half these people about ie: political terms
Just agreed that we like to discuss concepts about
philosophy and psychology etc!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Enough!.!.!.!.!.!. What!?

I remember stoned out Hippies in the 60's who made more sense!.
