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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's the best thought to have when a man left me because I am too intense?

Question: What's the best thought to have when a man left me because I am too intense!?
I need to grab on to a thought from the thinkers!. Thanks ahead of time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He's so insecure that you will outshine him!.!.!. so he ran away because hes a puss!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'The best thought!.!.!.ah, the 'best' thought you say!. The best thought summons a train of others that accords the widest, the most circumspect, and the most honest expression and impression: we must first ask, what does one mean by "intense; is his or yours a diversion from the truth, a euphemism for somewhat else, or but yet another turn on denial!? In any case, is that 'his' frame -- that is, measure of intensity -- or yours!?

You might well be too "intense," -- but 'for whom' as has someone intimated above; or not intense enough but in those areas where work is needed!. One is 'best' to edit oneself for honesty, else this said intensity will show forth again and a place and time that is not good again, and which may not at all manifest from that of a man but commence from somewhat even more 'intense' origin, which resonance or dissonance is so great as to give measure, pin-point location, and acceptance that there evidences areas of weakness without mistake!.

By this I mean, to know the pitch and note of a thing is to create random notes in a range of sounds in which one proceeds through the scale till the thing (or person) that has caught your observations in the first place returns the pitch in a unified resonance with yours!. You will know unequivocally whether your pitch is flat or sharp of its or his or hers!. Therewith adjustments are made if so choosing!. Here the pitch of it and the pitch you rendered do vibrate in an unmistakable concordance or discord!. And this is how you come to know the note that the heart of it is coded to!.

No different is this between two sentient beings, man or woman, or wolf for that matter!. One must come to know first the principle to any given 'thing' in life while giving a nod to the four and forty thousand applications of it!. This is done by honesty brought to bear by you foremost, not the other!. And if the other does not choose to adjust, then dissonance does surely result where the two should wish to dare repeat that expression and impression, which indeed yields the selfsame result!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So you were 'too intense' for that one man !.!.!. there is someone out there to whom you will be 'a perfect match' !.!.!. and he may not come into your life for many more years yet!. If you are lucky, you will meet your 'soul mate' !.!.!. you will be able to tell your soul mate because of the ease that both of you have talking about EVERYTHING from the weather to politics, religion, and the state of the world, but you will also find that 'being child-like' and just being 'kids having fun' comes more easily!. How do I know this!? Because I found my soul mate when I was 46 !.!.!. and my life is now 'far more intense' and also far more 'child-like' at the same time !.!.!. and it is the most WONDERFUL time of my 'life' because we love each other truly and unconditionally, and are together forever and beyond !.!.!. we have a nice place to live, have an excellent income, eat wonderful food !.!.!. but if we were homeless, we would be just the same as long as we sleep side by side every night !.!.!. under a bridge is 'good enough' but the world is SO MUCH BETTER that we don't really care about ANYTHING other than that we BELONG TOGETHER!. Hang in there, and don't 'change' yourself !.!.!. just start looking around and perhaps take yourself OUT of the 'dating scramble' for awhile !.!.!. be a good friend, and perhaps you'll find your 'special guy' where I found mine !.!.!. he was my best friend, and even now he is STILL my best friend, but is also my lover, my partner, and my playmate!. Hang in there !.!.!. he's out there but you won't meet him until 'the time is right' for the both of you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Trix - there is not enough content or context to provide any real observationally salient thought on this matter!. But for the sake of providing you an answer I will supply a few!.

Humor!.!.!.maybe your the daughter of Jim Carry
Religious!.!.!.!. maybe you zeal for God made him feel inadequate!.
Humanist!.!.!.!.maybe you are
Sexist!.!.!.maybe you had an itch he could not reach
Political!.!.!.maybe you would not close Hillary's campaign office!.
Feminist!.!.!.maybe no man is right for you
Neuro Scientist!.!.!.maybe your brain waves are beyond theta!.
Buddhist!.!.!.maybe you are fine or out of balance
Sportist!.!.!.maybe everything was a race that you had to win

or maybe you just shined more light on him than he wanted at all times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

too intense for him but not too intense for you -

He making it about you thats so uncool he should be able to say something about and for himself-

Like -

I'm sorry - I cannot cope with this amount of intensity!.

He's pretty lightweight needing to blame you!.

Nobody is too anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps that the fact he found you too intense means he obviously wasn't right for you, and that there is no reason you will not find someone else who has no problem with any aspect of you!.

I don't agree with these people saying you should change your personality!. They're really missing the point, and how can they comment when they don't even know you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Think about your favorite scenery!.!.!.water falls, mountain streams, lakes, oceans!. Water is supposed to have a calming effect when you are stressed!. A glass of your favorite adult beverage might help as well!.!.!.just don't over do it!.

Once you've calmed down, perform a self evaluation!. What is important to you!? What battles are worth sticking to your guns about and which ones are small enough to ignore!?

Whatever you do, don't play the "blame game!." Realize that compromise is sometimes the best way to resolve issues!. Being too competitive and always having to be right might win you the battle but cost you the war!.

Good luck!.!.!.stay sane!.!.!.don't forget to compromise!.

PS: I agree with Kris L!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That he could not get with your intensity because only few people can get there, and therefore you are lucky for arriving there and that you are unique and intelligent!. You will definitely find a man who understands your intensity and it is only then that you will feel totally complete!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you were too intense, perhaps he just could not keep up with you, or you just really know what you want in your partner and you emphasized it and he felt it was to much and he left!.!.!. but thats a good thing;Www@QuestionHome@Com

you are a strong woman who needs things to be the right way, the trixie way!

women cant let men have everything their way all the time, and it is important to have a strong personality and lifestyle

hope that helps!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if he left you because you were to intense you should liten up a bit and do stuff to soothe you and calm you down like yoga and stretching or massages!. hope i helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you're not a freethinker yourself, how can you possibly be "intense" enough to drive someone else away!? Maybe it wasn't your intensity!.


That he does not have enough passion in his life and is not able to keep up with you and your energy!.

Be glad!.!.!. now you can not be held back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm pretty intense myself!. Just remember that even though there's a lot of guys that can't handle it, there are some guys out there who will love that about you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am more man than he will ever be and more woman than he will ever have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lighten up!?!?
try not to take things so seriously!.!.!.
find the humor in things!.!.!.
because if you look closely enough, they're there!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

f*** him! he doesn't know what he's missing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

think of something light so you dont be so intenseWww@QuestionHome@Com

He can't hang!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, he can't say you are boring!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Wow, maybe I should lighten up"Www@QuestionHome@Com

that he was strong enough or man enough for youWww@QuestionHome@Com