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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you had everything you ever wanted, and still wanted 'more' what woul

Question: If you had everything you ever wanted, and still wanted 'more' what would you want!?!?
Is there no such thing as being 100% satisfied!?!? This question could be interpreted in millions of ways, but is there a universal truth to it!?!? Is it possible that our subconscious never gets truly fully fulfilled!? If so, what would be your answer to this daring and somewhat existential question!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it is human nature to always yearn for the material things in which this is a material world!. In essence everything in life is material except for those things which are spiritual!.

I say it is part of human nature and human sin to continually want things!. You always see the richest people always wanting more!. You see this in Hollywood celebrities!.

I believe it is realizing that you don't really need all the material things in the world to be spiritually happy!. To experience joys and emotions, love, hate, sadness, anger, worship!.!.!.these are the gifts that you always have and are always there for you, and just knowing this can help supress those material wants!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we all have times when we feel as if life is perfect, everything is as it should be, and there is nothing more that we need!. Those are blissful days (moments!?) indeed, but I tend to think that feeling 100% satisfied *all* the time might mean that you are fooling yourself!.

Now, of course, there are gurus, shamans, stoics, and just normal everyday people who say that they have achieved this!. I'd like to say that I envy them, but I don't!. It's the lack of satisfaction -- the wanting of more -- that propels me forward!.

But!.!.!.if I had "everything I ever wanted" (to attend to your question), I immediately know that I would still want more!. And what would I want!? Eternal youth, to be younger, or to have extra years in which to enjoy it!. Youth is one asset that can never be bought, gained, or bargained for!.

Personally, I'd like to stay in the 26-33 range but still grow emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually!. Ahhh!.!.!. now THAT sounds like 100% satisfaction!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know what I would want because I haven't got to that point yet!. But yes, I definitely think we can never be 100% satisfied!. We can be content with our circumstances, but if we aren't striving to achieve something, or get something, be something, then life would seem meaningless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have everything I've ever wanted and I am 100% satisfied!. There really is nothing more I can think of that I would want to make me happy, other than the ability to keep feeding myself, taking care of my health and basic needs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

once you had everything you wanted, there would BE no more!Www@QuestionHome@Com

first i'll have to have everything!. Then, I'll think of something elseWww@QuestionHome@Com

brad pitt in my bed!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com