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Question: Exploring universes beyond ours!?
Do you think scientists will be able to explore universes beyond ours anytime soon!? why or why not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't believe they will, in that nobody can prove the existence of another universe, let alone work on a way in which we might travel to one!.

GALAXIES, on the other hand, are another story!. As the above person stated, the nearest galaxy is 80,000 light years away!. To put that in perspective, the nearest star "Alpha Proxima" is about 4!.3 light years away!. It would take 25,000 years to get there if traveling at 100,000 miles per hour, and that's just the nearest star within our OWN galaxy!. Imagine the difficulty we might face when trying to reach the nearest galaxy, and furthermore, the nearest universe (if a multi-verse reality were to be proven)!. But the way to "escape" the universe might not be obtained by means other than simple linear travel, but by tearing holes in the fabric of space through particle acceleration experiments that serve to create miniature black holes in a laboratory setting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not exactly!.

Sientists have not even confirmed the existence of other universes!. These are only considered in science as theory!.

However, scientists are devising experiments which can better under what exactly is reality!. Our perceptions of dimensions beyond the typical three plus time, will be expanded!. Consciousness will also be included in our understanding of matter and energy!. The observer affects that which is observed and even creates that which is observed!. In a way reality does not exist outside of consciousness!.

This is the universe to be explored in our future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are a handful of theories in physics (none with any significant evidence yet) that involve multiple universes!. However, there can be no exploration of those universes on those theories!. This is almost by definition!. To be its own universe, it must have its own physical distinct space-time with no accessible connection to our own!. Otherwise, it would be hard to have a sense in which such an entity would truly be its own universe!. However, the concept is still vague and poorly defined, so perhaps there could be something that is reasonably considered its own distinct universe that could still be explored!. (For example, if both Everett's view and Mallett's machine work out, you could explore other possible worlds, but you still couldn't control which ones you visit and the differences between those worlds and our own would be very limited) However, this is such a tenuous possibility that the idea that such a thing could happen at all, much less any time soon, would be completely improbable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Scientists are not observing other universes right now, as someone said!. Perhaps they meant galaxies!. In the 1920s it was believed that the Milky Way constituted the entire universe - amazing!

Some of the leading theories of modern physics, still unproven, suggest there may be other "universes" (which means the word "universe" would no longer mean the totality of all things in physical space!.) It is consistent with relativity, but still unproven!. If there are, unless we experience a truly tremendous acceleration in our technological development, we won't be going anytime soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Regardless of whether you mean other universes (which might not exist) or galaxies, you have to understand that, right now, the universe is expanding at a faster rate!. Assuming that the rate continues increasing, it will eventually move past the speed of light, which is the upper limit for the travel of matter!. As of now, we have never made probes, equipment, rockets, or people out of non-material "stuff," nor is there a reason to think we'll do so anytime soon!.

By "expanding," astronomers don't mean that objects are moving away from each other!. A better analogy would be a balloon!. Draw two dots on an uninflated ballon, then blow it up!. The dots are farther apart, but neither one "moved!." The universe expands in the same way!. And, when it expands faster, that means you're blowing up the balloon faster and faster!.!.!.the dots have more space between them more quickly!.

Let's focus on getting a person to Mars, and maybe a satellite to another star within the next few generations!. The regions beyond these will not be reached in our lifetimes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is only one universe!. If you mean galaxy, we won't visit any for a long time!. We need faster ways to travel, like FTL engines or wormholes, since it's such a long distance to travel!.

Andromeda, the closest galaxy to the Milky Way, would take thousands if not millions of years for us to reach with current technology!.

We can barely explore our own galaxy, let alone solar system!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don′t know, call me "short-minded", but I am just worried about this life that is the only life and world that I am sure I am going to live at!.!.!.and if there is going to be something impactfull in any other planet, soon or late, we are all going to be advised!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Scientists are exploring these universes now, by observation!.

It's unlikely that anyone will travel to these distant universes, given our present inability to approach the speed of light!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is only one universe, the next closest galaxy is the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy which is 80,000 light-years away!. So no, I don't think we will be exploring them (other than by telescope) anytime soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Indian sages and saints have already given the truth about this universe through their INSIGHT!.
Pl read Vedic books
Our Scientists will also oneday find out the truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who says there are in fact any universes outside our own!? Maybe we're all there is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no!.!.!.because you said anytime soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com