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Position:Home>Philosophy> Which would lead to success and happiness?

Question: Which would lead to success and happiness!?
which would lead me to success!? having a real career or having a career in acting!?

i've been thinking that i can't think of what i want to be!.!.!. so i thought about those celebrities that are happy and filthy rich!.!.!. so which one would be better and make me happy!?

or what careers will make me successful and happy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You decide!.

But let me tell you that money does not necessarily make one happy!. It may solve some problems but it also creates new ones!. Celebrities look happy because they are obliged to due to contracts and what not, promoting this and that, and I think that the incessant smiling has become a reflex!.
There are many that do not earn millions and still are content with their lifestyle!. In the end it's a matter of preferences!.

Success is a different matter!. Success comes from within!. Your attitude towards work determines whether you'll be successful or not!. Do note that it will be very difficult and kind of unlikely to succeed at work that you don't like, which will make you quite unhappy and depressed!. It's been done before but don't count on it!. If however you like the work that you're doing then you will automatically have a positive attitude towards it, which will mean success!.

Summing up:

1!. You decide what you want to be!.
2!. Money is no guarantee for happiness, indeed you are foolish to go after money to find happiness!.
3!. Success comes from within, from a positive attitude, and doing what you like to do will result in both success and happiness!.

Unless you're crazy about acting, I advise you to take up a real career!. Making it big in acting is difficult!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no guarantee that you will be successful and happy in this life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

being authentic and true to yourself leads to fulfillment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To get enough money with wisdomWww@QuestionHome@Com