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Question: An Insane Artist's Manifesto!?
Damned to be misunderstood
I am a traditional anarchist, a conservative revolutionary, and a benign iconoclast
But I am not a terrorist
I want nothing more than to give myself to the world
Yet such a humbly wrapped and freely given gift is met with suspicion

Uncertainty and unpredictability are undeniably disturbing
But the greatest joy arises spontaneously and presents itself as novelty

Chaos is the original condition
Chaos is the medium of reality

Certainty is a delusional illusion
Confidence in such a delusion is the true madness

Conceited concentration
What a con

The secret of the universe
Is that there is no secret
It is so beautiful in its absurdity that it makes perfect sense
It is divinely hilarious
Accept life for what it is
Nothing more, nothing lessWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If certainty is an illusion then I am doing well to be skeptical of the claim
"chaos is the original condition and the medium of reality"
As you seem to assert such statements to be true absolutely thus they become established as the very certainty that is illusory!.
If you insist that being irrational is sane then I will chose insanity hands down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Age alters ones perception!. To me, the above is not the statement of a clear thinker, especially the definition of chaos lacks proof!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, not insane, not at all!. If he is, he knows how to choose his insanity wisely!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

That last verse is very close to enlightenment!.
Press on!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i really like it and would like to know the author and where you found it!. but, as in any philosophical theory, it's circular!. some can make it work!. this guy is still shaky and i have questions!.!.!.maybe you can help!.!.!.!.

he states, "I am a traditional anarchist, a conservative revolutionary, and a benign iconoclast
But I am not a terrorist" and he says his gift to the world is met with "suspision"!. and yet he goes on to say, "Certainty is a delusional illusion Confidence in such a delusion is the true madness"!. he seems to think, pretty confidently that he isn't a terrorist so is he really just being delusional, because respectively, anarchist can terrorize!. and if certainty is delusional, why shouldn't people be suspicious of him!? holes!.!.!.where did you find the manifesto!?Www@QuestionHome@Com