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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do some people connect to you more, spiritually, than others?

Question: Why do some people connect to you more, spiritually, than others!?
Can souls measure "rhythm" and "synchronization"!? Is it about past life and reincarnations!?

Of course, you must believe in the existence of souls to begin with :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We enjoy feeling connected with one or two - it takes a while to realize the why and how of our feeling of connection!.!.!.!. Connectedness is a soul-to-soul contact!.!.!.!. The mind and body are not barriers to its existence!.!.!.A way to feel connection is to look with gentleness and acceptance into another's eyes!.!.!.!. As you do!.!. feel the warmth generated in your body!.!.!.!.The warmth can be rekindled again by mentally recalling the experience!.!.!.Feeling connected is what we really seek in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hope you have noticed that when you are sitting and a person comes to sit next to you, to one person you want him to just sit even if he may not say anything!.Or the other way around you want him to leave!.This can happen even in a party,train etc!.The reason is that every person sends out rays from his body!.The rays of a spiritual person are peaceful and you get a feeling of immense calm!. The vice versa in case of a bad deeds predominant person!. If it is related to past life, then he can become your life partner, son,daughter,guru,disciple etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

May sound rather dissonant, but I do believe that the illusion of soul-mate is not much else than likeness of ideas and ideologies!. The same is the case when any two persons get to feel spiritually close and vibrant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.for me,as you know,it is just the cycle of reincarnation that allows us to encounter friends,parents,children,lovers and enemies we have met before!.!.!.the trick is in recognizing them!.!.!.!Www@QuestionHome@Com

its all about the feeling
how one feels towards others
and we get more attached to spiritual people because they have the power of loving everyone without exceptionWww@QuestionHome@Com

A union of a union is a union in a union!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think nature and nuture are responsible for determining who we "gel" with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com