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Position:Home>Philosophy> Woah, you wake up to realize You have SuperPowers?

Question: Woah, you wake up to realize You have SuperPowers!?
What is your superpower!? Details!.!.
Are you a good or bad guy!? ; )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i would be able to control things, people, objests, weather, everything with my mind!. and i would definitely be a good guy!. because with that type of power you could fly, lift huge things, do pretty much anything so there wouldn't be any bad guy who could stop you!. so yeah i'd be able to control EVERYTHING with my mind and i would be a GOOD guyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I had this conversation with a friend!.!.!.I thought: yeah, superpower! I want to command free will! I could make bad guys drop the guns and hand over the hot hostage (A guy, preferably!. I'm a girl!. It doesn't have to be idiot chicks being saved all the time), force my teachers to grade my tests as A's, get into movies for free!.!.!.

And then, my friend told that was pretty lame superhero work!. We decided I shouldn't get superpowers!. With great power comes great responsibility, right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am good,I am sooooooooooo good,I would be a healer and hope that I would be able to heal myself so that I would be able to heal more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com