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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that the basis of guilt...?

Question: Do you think that the basis of guilt!.!.!.!?
is not really the thing we are responsible for in itself, but the humiliation we feel in case it's discovered as compared to others lack of it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you hit the nail on the head with that last part!. Guilt though a strong emotion in itself, is only made powerful by the humiliation we feel if/and when we are caught!. I good point I was taught that there are only two key emotions and everything stems off of them!. They are Fear and Love!. I think guilt falls under both because we are fearfully of being caught doing something wrong by the ones we love!. Good question thank you!.
Good Luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's true in many societies, like the ancient greek ones and the chinese, in which the "face" is very strong!. Judeo-Christian societies has the concept of a God as a device to canalize guilt!. In the first type of society, guilt is the humiliation you pay if discovered, in the second type guilt is the strong belief that there's something knowing everything about you, and hiding to him just make things worse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Guilt is the reinforcement of the exaggerated-degree of humiliation we may or may not experience that may or may not be based on anything we actually did in consensus-reality!.

1) Shame on the other hand; is an emotion and healthy barometer to us that helps reinforce the idea that taking a certain action could prove to be detrimental to self and others in either or both of the short term and long term of consensus-reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its an interesting question because there are differences between people
- some feel guilty only if others discover the guilty act
- some feel guilty even if no one knows
- in contrast ,some feel guilty even if they are only accused whether or not they have committed the act

However, eventually if nobody makes anyone feel guilty over a specifc act, for example, wives going out to paid work, then even the most conscientious people are unlikely to feel guilt!.

!.!.!.!.and guilt can be about not only an act but also about just considering doing something thats morally or legally wrong

However, humiliation can also impose shame which is a more diffuse sense of embarassment than guilt!.

We can feel shame not only for guilty acts but also for non criminal acts for example an appearance which doesn't fit the usual acceptable social rules - like being too fat, too thin, too spotty ,too clumsy!.

At least with guilt we have some sort of control and sense of responsibility over the situation, but often we can feel humiliation and shamed over stigmas we have no control over!. So public humiliation is stronger in relation to feeling ashamedWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, I think that the basis of guilt is the thing we are responsible for in itself!. There are things I feel guilty about that I know will never be discovered -but I know that what I have done was not right, that I am blameworthy!.
The humiliation or disgrace resulting from discovery would be what I would call shame!.
Guilt is there once the deed has been done, but shame is from the conscience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Guilt is allied with our ethics and morality, which are rooted in our conscience!.!.!.

When we have violated these values!.!.!.
Guilt acts as a primitive "alarm mechanism" by which the pain guides us away from such behaviors which threaten our human survival!.!.!.

When you add humiliation into the mix, this produces shame!.!.!.

Shame is essentially a feeling of worthlessness as compared to others who are not guilty of the same deeds!.!.!.

Unlike guilt!.!.!.shame is detrimental to growth and learning!.!.!.

We all make mistakes!.!.!.
Guilt is a constructive adviser, which directs us toward social harmony!.!.!.

But shame is unrelentless!.!.!.
It inhibits us from separating ourselves from our behavior!.!.!.
And moving forward!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Guilt is instilled by family!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the basis of guilt is self- ignorance/ -denial!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the basis of guilt is controlWww@QuestionHome@Com