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Position:Home>Philosophy> Existentialism and personal responsibility?

Question: Existentialism and personal responsibility!?
I've never really felt bad about the poor in this country, The United States!. I've always felt that you create who you are in this life, and although some of us, me, have been given everything in life, and others have been given nothing, this does not entitle you to be pitied or taken care of!. I!.E!. we should be more concerned with the starving children of the world or those who truly cannot tale care of themselves for reasons which are out of their control (mental health, extreme poverty due to govt!., disease) The problems of the US, even those of the homeless and poor, are problems you want to have, especially compared to other countries!. Are thoughts like this considered, even somewhat, existentialists!? If not, are they along the lines of any stated philosophy!? If not, where do you think personal responsibility takes over instead of any unfortunate circumstance an individual may find himself or herself in!? Am I being too harsh due to my lack of experience!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think of that thought as an existentialist one!. The existentialist believes that the only purpose or meaning to life is what he makes of it, whatever that may be!. I would not criticize you for having that belief about the poor, although I think you should be aware that there may be much more "luck" in this life than you may think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are being too harsh!.
People find themselves in situations beyond their control no matter where they live!.
Personal responsibility applies to everyone but can not always be materially effected by the individual!.
You reap what you sow!? I frikkin well wish that was the case!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I get what you're saying but some people in the US have certain things stopping them from making a better life too!. For example, some have no families or no education, therefore are completely ignorant on how to make a better life!. Some people here have diseases and mental illnesses also!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think as a whole to live in america we are damn lucky and look what we do!? we make things more complicated!. we make a solution to every problem there could be, to problems no one worried about until the product cam out!. we go to work to buy **** that we dont need at all!. there are other countires gonig through crisis that have nothing1 we have everything and we are so spoiled to live here!. we do not know the true meaning of living!. at all!. that is what a thing, or at lets a little jist of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com