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Position:Home>Philosophy> How many times have you truely reinvented yourself?

Question: How many times have you truely reinvented yourself!?
I have done it twice!.!.!. once when I was 18 and again last year at age 51!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
3 times!. At 12, at 19 and just recently at 25!. I was just telling someone last week that I reinvent every couple of years, just like Madonna!.

Since February I have moved, severed a very unhealthy friendship, found a new best friend, gotten 3 new tattoos, changed my hair color, started teaching Zumba and have become a Reiki practitioner!.

I can feel it that there will be one more positive change between now and December!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I lost count but it had to do with professional life and personal life!. I usually keep the core of me but have had to become a chameleon at times!. There were times that I hated it!. Since I have gotten older, I am who I am and no more grabbing that "face that I keep in a jar by the door", in reference to the Beatles song Eleanor Rigby!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have had nine major re-inventions, and several minor ones along the way!.

For the major ones I changed my name, my wardrobe, my geographical location, signature and hand writing, even my accent and the pitch of my voice (on three occasions I had to learn a different language)!. As a matter of fact I changed everything (external) that I could think of!.!.!.

The mini-transformations usually didn't involve moving or changing my name!. Although at one point, anyone who had not seen me for around 3 months found it very difficult to recognise me!.!.!.'You keep changing!' they would cry out!.

Just reading through this, I realise it sounds like I am either a felon or a phony, but if you were aware of my personal background it would all make sense!

Anyway I think life is a total blast, that there is so much to learn until the day I eventually drop the body for good, and that I do not feel the need to define who I really am by the different costumes I choose to wear!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ONLY once!.!.!.when I was told I would have to retire from my job!.!.!.I was NOT happy with this decision at all!.!.!.I hurt myself at work, and that was the LAST day I ever worked!.!.!.!.
So then you MUST figure out what you are supposed to do with the rest of your life!.!.!.

Its not an easy thing to do!.!.
Reinventing yourself that is!.!.!.!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

only once!.!.!.i'd have to say!.!.!.but it wasn't really that big of a BAM! change ya know!?!?!? i was tomboy-ish when i was little and then i progressivley turned into an "emo"!.!.!.i really like the style and such! people reinvent themselves without even knowing it though!. it can be for a day or two as well!.!.!.it doesn't have to be like a whole year YOU KNOW!?! u two are liers!!!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

truly!? probably never!. I like to think of it as the True me exists somewhere and life is the process of going back to that perfection I used to have!. Like I had it once and somehow lost it, now I'm trying to become more "me"Www@QuestionHome@Com

once!. i did it in highschool, i still am in highschool!. i totally just let go and became who i needed and wanted to be!. and that is all i need to worry about!. whati dont like i changeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I tried it once but you know what!? It's just SO hard to put yourself back together again once you've removed your hands!. LOL

Brightest Blessings,
Raji the Green WitchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Never reinvented, but am in the process of rediscovering!Www@QuestionHome@Com

As the saying goes, I am a work in progress - hope the end product will have done me proud!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am like a TransformerWww@QuestionHome@Com


I prefer to just go with the flow!.!.!. Let myself be free!.!.!. Act on my instints!.!.!. Act, speak, dress, and express how I feel!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com