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Position:Home>Philosophy> How come its not completely black when i close my eyes?

Question: How come its not completely black when i close my eyes!?
like i see swirls and colours faintly!.

is that what my mind looks like!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well!. You have entered my realm of knowledge!. I do neuropsychology and know all bout brain/neurons!. Totally unphilosophical answer is:

Neurons are constantly active even when they are not stimulated by sensory stimuli they are emitting some activity!. So when you shut your eyes and cover them to totally block out the light its common to see swirls and sparkles because as the first guy said, photoreceptors in your retina that are still firing (at a low baseline rate due to no sensory stimuli)!.!.!.and your brain interprets this as random patterns and creates and image out of it!.

And also if you press on your eyes with your hand you may see even more patterns/shapes weird stuff!. Because neurons are designed to primarily respond to one type of sensation (eg light)!. But sometimes they respond to other stimuli also just a little bit (eg pressure)!.!.!.(see i do study a lil'!)!.!.!.so yeah its what your mind looks like in a way!.!.its jus neurons buzzing away trying to make sense of stuff!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not completely black when you close your eyes because, your eyelids are not 10" blocks of concrete!. They are thin and translucent!.

As for the swirls, it is the constant adjustment of the rod and cone cells trying to make an image on the retina!.

And no, lol, that's not what your mind looks like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a difference between closing one’s eyes to enter the world of our imagination, and simply closing our eyes to focus upon that centre pitural point or the blood red inside of our closed eyelid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is not your eyes that do the seeing, your mind only processes the information that your eyes collect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

bcause human skin ( that cover your eyes ) is not thick enough to block sunlight/light/bright colour from reflecting through!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com