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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think the bible is the true word of god?

Question: Do you think the bible is the true word of god!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
NO!. The Bible or for that matter any other religious Scripture is not the word of any God !. All the Scriptures have been created by man basing on the ideas and beliefs prevailing at that time in those primitive societies!. It also reflects the unfounded beliefs and lavel of intelligence of the people of those archaic societies who wrote the scriptures!.
The Bible is the work of man who while writting put in their own preferences, misinformation and disinformation to suit their needs!.

If one analyses the Bible carefully, it surely will be noticed that the ways and practices of the primitive societies are present in abundance !. The people who wrote the Bible were simply reflecting a ideology which was heavily interlaced with prejudiced beliefs of some archaic minds!.

It is a common knowlede that in the writting of the Bible hoards of people were involved who did not have the capacity to rid them selves of the social practices prevailing than !.The Bible has been editted and re-editted
several times but why there has been no other great literature belonging to that era !? Its only because the primitive people were in awe of the nature and its complexcities and were not that intellient to think of science or literature!. Their intellience permitted them to churn out some mis-information which they used in religion to keep them in a dominant social position !.

The people who lived 2000 years ago were peasants,nomads and the society was feudal !. The Bible typically depicts the ways of those people
and the tone and expressions are disgustinly primitive!. Some modern humanbeings have chosen for them selves to revert their mental state to the level of those primitive people just for the sake of giving credibility to the Bible !

The human mind is really incredible ! some seek truth while others find glory in practising some obsolete and archaic ideoloies!.
But how ever you can fool some people for some time not all people for all time!.

People are discovering the fallaccies and futility of the Bible and so are adopting new universal and humanitarian ideas which gives them more religious freedom!. These new faiths are practical, flexible, tolorent and are in rythem with modern thinking and the modern times !.

Just a minute Biblists ! The mankind has changed and adapted it self to every thing in the last 2000 years except religion ! Yes the reply will be rock & stock - God is eternal and not affected by time !. If thats so, why then the Bible has to be editted so many times with passing time!? Why the people who believe in Bible have dared to change the primitive social life style which the Bible speaks of !? So the idea is change every thing that suits you and keep one factor constant (God) to beat people with that stick!.
There is no cure for fallacy and voluntary foolishnesh !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You would first have to ask yourself is it logically possible that it is the true word of god!. If god created beings of free will, he could not revoke that ability!. Reason being is that god must deal in absolutes, becuase he chose free will as being better to non-free will!. If he chose to revoke free will it would mean that free will was not really the best choice, which would mean that god was wrong!. If god was/is wrong he would not be worthy of worship, because he is not perfect or all-knowing!. With that said, a being of free will can and is able to write whatever they choose!. If they choose to write a story identical to what god told them to write it would still be mediated through the individual writer's personal experiences and beliefs!. So in word!.!.!.No!. Good question it has sparked a lot of thoughts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am a christian and believe some of the good messages in the bible, but i do not believe it was the word of God!. i believe it was the manifestation of the religious leaders of the time to draw attention and followers to their religion, and the only way to validate this bible was to say it came from God!. the reason i believe this is the several different versions of it and some of the Hypocrisies in it that other religions and athiests have a good time pointing out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not going to say what's true and what's not, because that is relative, and a lot of what's in the Bible is "true" in one way or another!. And is it the word of God!? Maybe!. But it's not the only path!. It's just one that's presented, somewhat rigidly, like a get-your-soul-where-it-needs-to-be for dummies book!. That's why it's so rigid!. IMO, of course!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm going to get so many thumbs down for saying this-but no

you have to remember that the bible was written over thousands of years!. back then, they had different ideas!. maybe God wrote the bible that way to please people back then!.

Some of the stuff just seems wrong!. For example, God doesn't seem to disagree with slavery-even though His people are put through it!.

Maybe it's like people today-there are tons of beliefs, all cobbled together into "Christianity!."

darn-i forgot what i was going to say!

i think MOST of it is true!. either that, or some parts are taken too literally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Asuming God exists, I believe that God speaks through everything!. The Bible as a document is filled with bias, contradictions, and errors; so unless you believe God is loose with the truth, you must assume not everything in the Bible is from God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has sufficient soteriological Truth for those who accept Christ, Truth, Messias, as Way-shower, Savior!.

If you presently aren't able so to connect!.!.!.also worthwhile: Holy Quran; "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet; "Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton, "Autobiography of a Yogi," Yogananda, "Dream Yoga," Namkhai Norbu!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the Bible is a compilation of letters from the disciples, book of john, matthew, luke, mark etc!.!.

its written by man then published by man, none of these are even written by jesus, they say there are some writings but the templar knights were hiding them!.

even my theology teacher tells us to never expect 100% truth from the bible and learn to use our own heads!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness!. 2 Timothy 3:16Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. The writings in the Bible were chosen by a council of "holy men" and that means it suited the purposes of the church leaders at the time!. Literalists say "God guided their work", but I suspect rather less than more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I'll admit I don't know too much about religion but I've never heard of God ever being a living person, and those words didn't just appear on paper, they had to be written by someone so those are the words of that person, not GodWww@QuestionHome@Com

We have more than one language with which to speak, so why should we have only one Book of Truth!? No, there are many ways that God speaks to us and we need to use them all in order to listen and understand what is being said in return!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally believe the bible is a collection of essays of heresay knowledge of random people from 1000s of years ago of information that does not pertain to modern day society and that there is no godWww@QuestionHome@Com

what the F*ck is a god!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

the bible is scripture, which is inspired by the word of god!.
the word of god is alive and far to great to apply to paper pages with ink!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmm good question----i always wondered that----if it was the words of god how come a bible is written in many so many different versions by so many different people!?!?!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, it is!. It is as sick as God!. Our God is messing with us, why can't anybody see it!? I trully beleave in God, but i know him!.!. and he's no such a dudeWww@QuestionHome@Com


There are too many Holy Books claiming to be the word of God!.

For instance, The Torah, Bible, and Q'uran!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, it is Jesus who is the true Word of God and have been treated as is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. It is written by men and some of them are known to have mental illness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I know it is the teachings of God interpreted by man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, since it was not written by God!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com




oh yes for sureWww@QuestionHome@Com