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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's your idea about this sentence?

Question: What's your idea about this sentence!?
"Eventually he felt barely human at all, leaped when touched on the arm as if from an unbearable intimacy!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!."
it tells about a man who lives in great solitude and can't communicate with others!.
what do u think this part" he felt barely human at all" mean!? I myself think that it means he's no longer like other people, or there is no human characteristic left in him, is it right!?
thank u for your help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"An unbearable intimacy!.!." seems to imply abuse!.

1) If the abuse was extreme enough(emotional, physical or a combination thereof); then even the act of a caring touch would be confused with yet another attempt at abuse!.

2) Abiding with such a victim remaining in their presence without the physicality of touch, at least for appropriate amounts of time; allows the victim to start to realize you are a neutral-presence within their presence!.

3) Ideally time would be allowed to lapse enough where the victim extends there hand and entrunsts you to embrace it without further harm, and more importantly to embrace it with sincere and genuine love!.

4) The male-victim in the quote above, wether fictional or not is most likely representative of some event in the author's life; directly or indirectly!.

5) The male-victim seems to become less human because of a fresh-tragic-experience; its his defense-mechanism to give the impression you have come away with "He is no longer human; therefor I will attend to other matters"; when in all actuality in his heart-of-hearts he most genuinely needs the compassion, love, and affection of a fellow human being the most!.!.!. though he doesn't know how to ask for it, or how the 'other' should express that most effectively to him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Umm!.!.!.!.!.!.it depends if in his solitude he was happy or unhappy!. If he was unhappy then I'd say that I have experienced that from time to time due to depression when I have isolated myself and I talk to no one!. Life can get quite unbearable like that!. Then every noise makes me jump nervously and similarly if I'm sitting quietly thinking "maybe I'm safe now" (from all the external things which I am imagining will hurt me), and then someone just touches me lightly, I jump!. It has something to do with the amount of pain someone holds in their body during depression and anxiety!. So much so that a slight touch hurts!. That seems to be the unbearable intimacy he's talking about, in my opinion!. It hurts but it is also going against what he's trying to do which is be completely alone because of fear of intimacy!. As for feeling barely human, at those times I simply feel like I don't exist!. All bodily functions become low!. Out of a fear one is denying the most basic emotional need of communication!. Thank God I snap out of it again after some time in it!. Otherwise I might become such a subject of a book, self written of course!.Www@QuestionHome@Com