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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's the difference between God's plan and fate?

Question: What's the difference between God's plan and fate!?
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My opinion:

Fate: is the path of probability and chance that is most likely to occur unless drastic-change happens now!.

God's plan: is the intervention of drastic-change in one's life to benefit self as well as other's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say that when people say it is 'God's plan' it's their way of literally giving up trying to go against the stream and accept that someone else is in control!. For example you give birth to a child who has birth defects!. To a Christian that is a sign that there was something within you that required the challenge of bringing up a child with limited abilities!. It's almost like a punishment!. With fate, it's more the luck of the draw!. You end up with the same result, but the outlook is what is different!. People who believe in fate don't necessarily think some particular individual is sitting there doling out punishment and reward!.

That's my best, hope it helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To some, there is none!. Fate, Destiny, God's plan or will are all part of the same ball of wax!.

The problem of course is in the definition of the terms!. Fate implies something immovable, cast in stone, set before you even get a stab at it!. Some people would say that God's will leaves you room to be who you're truly meant to be while those who believe in predestination are pretty much along the same lines as those who believe in fate, except that they cast an omnipotent being with no patience at all in the role of the one who holds all the marbles!.

So it all depends on where you're asking the question from in your own life!. Not knowing who you are, this is about as close as I can get to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God's plan is what he has plant for us, fate is something that just happens without him really meddling, so to speak!. That'd be my guess, though I'm not sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could try the religion and spirituality section if this one doesn't work too well for you!.!.!.

Anyway, as for the question!.!.!.I'm not really sure what to say!. That's a good question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fate is the cruel half of God's plan!. The nicer half is called Destiny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are the same thing, just interpreted in different ways!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fate is God's plan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com