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Position:Home>Philosophy> What smashes your dignity, pride, and self-confidence the most?

Question: What smashes your dignity, pride, and self-confidence the most!?
Just asking to see whats more common!.

For my dignity, simply someone calling me stupid, for my pride someone next expecting anything at all of me, and my confidence, nothing really, its called self confidence for a reason, but if it had to be something, it would be the standards slowly lowering!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am Physically Disabled, as the result of a Motor Vehicle Collision Induced Injury

I am weak-physically slow-easily nocked off balance and more times then not!.
An obstruction to people on a railway station, a footpath, in an Airport, a Theatre, a Library, a Restaurant in fact anywhere outside my house!.

Still I find it that annoying, that people who try to push past me can sometimes step into or under my walking stick, ACCIDENTLY of course, and that accident is into their Knee, Shin, Instep or perhaps they'll knock me off balance and My elbow ACCIDENTLY hits their Kidney area, their Solar Plexus, their Groin even with very short Adult people!. My Fist, which is closed so I can try to keep balance, may come into contact with their temples, the bridge of nose or their chin!.

Then, they get upset and try to abuse me, well I think it's abuse!. As a lot of the time their voice is garbled by discomfort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For my dignity: if men who visit me as patients (clients) have wrong ideas and tell me so!. It hurts me, nevertheless do I tell them and if they overstep the boundaries again I will send them to one of my colleagues, not working with them anymore!.

Pride, if I know I have not done my job well enough!.

Self confidence: If I see I am not up to the task!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dignity- Nothing, I can never lose my dignity, out of all the things I have
Pride- Mirrors, I hate them, they nmever show me anything I want to see, and they take away from my self worth!. No matter what I've done, I'll never be happy with myself!.
Self-confidence- See above answer!.


nothing really,there is NOTHING a person can tell me to get me down!.I reach to this point from 11 years life being on the top and the VERY bottom!.If I know that I live with awareness the people laughing at me are proving they can be laughable atWww@QuestionHome@Com

My unrealistic standards!.
If your standards are not realist then you will never be able to take pride in realizing them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree, being called stupid, the worst is though when you hear someone talking badly behind your back and hearing others agree with them especially after they've complimented you in some wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

Just knowing that I not only live on the same planet, but I'm a member of the same species who ask some of the questions on Y! Answers!.


letting myself down
what other people say is nothing in comparison!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


indifference!. that really makes me question myself when I can't even get a response!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Finding my wife in bed with someone else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A WOMAN'S SHARP TONGUE!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My death will!Www@QuestionHome@Com