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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it true that freedom of someone's conscience...?

Question: Is it true that freedom of someone's conscience!.!.!.!?
contains much more inherent despotism than any guilty conscience!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
!.!.!.I do think so, for a person who is delusion-ally self assured and comfortable within themselves would possess a lightheartedness that surpasses the weight of guilt!.!.!.but, in caution, it could very well be a euphoric falsehood for the conscience requires the balance scale of guilt and freedom of guilt to function well!.!.!.
anything else is poppycoc kWww@QuestionHome@Com

Despotism may be a phase one transitions through on his way to freedom; but if he/she stops there they are in effect more of a slave then they have ever been!.

1) Those that rely on the efforts of others aren't true leaders but leeches, if they take without given anything back!.

2) Those that give more then they take, may come from any rung in society!.!.!.!. Gandhi was in the trenches with the very people he lead to freedom and respected himself!.!.!.

3) Those that take more then they give, may also come from any rung of society; but those that have influenced society for the worse have tended to be of "high" class; and thought they were entitled to their position by birthright, rather then earning the respect of the people 'below' them;

People such as Hitler, Ghangis Khan, Stalin, etc!.!.!.

4) True freedom see's the general tendency of man to leech from the slaves that surround him; but instead of taking advantage of that slave somehow he chooses to rebecome one, so that the 'slave' can then become free and do likewise!.!.!.

5) A guilty conscience is transcended the moment one's freedom is used to free other's from the limitations of their own minds; wether that be guilt, fear, intolerance, or otherwise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it must do if i understand the question properly!.

Freedom from our conscience means freedom from all that we valued!. At least if we feel guilty our values are still embedded, if abused and ignored, providing us with a signpost for the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I do think so!. A guilty conscience is filled with self-doubt, while a free conscience would feel more powerful (whether or not that feeling was justifiable)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this is one i have to think on!. my freedom is in your hands!.Www@QuestionHome@Com