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Position:Home>Philosophy> Giving up adult movies....?

Question: Giving up adult movies!.!.!.!.!?
A part of me wants to give them up, but it's not cause I stopped liking them!. Though I feel like it would be a good idea is the fact that I don't really want to going to make it impossible for me to actually stop!?

How can I do it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Seek to find the underlying motivation for your attraction!. Once you identify it ask your self if you could surrender the secret payoff if you life depended on it!. Most people are unwilling to do this because of the fear of loss of what has been valued so much for so long!. It is the same with all addictions and attachments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just remember that while you are doing this you are allowing yourself to be led into the realm of fantasy!. Now, if that is all you are interested in then that's your choice!. However, I've come to the conclusion that some people who watch a great deal of adult movies tend to project a disconnected fantasy onto the rest of society when they are out amongst others!. This really does make others feel like being somewhere other than the where the one who is incorrectly including them in their fantasy perception is!. You have to remember that most people are not sexual exhibitionists!. Concentrating on reality and seeking to improve your real life makes a lot more sense!. Fantasy relationships just don't satisfy!.

How can you do it!? If you are addicted to self pleasuring and fantasizing, it would be difficult at first!. But, if self esteem is important to you, then you can look at yourself as being weak or even abnormal for such indulgences!. This could compel you to avoid it by making it seem disgusting!. After all self pleasuring is in a way being your own lover, and that leads to the gradual destruction of the psychological aspect of one's libido!. If you are male, you eventually lose your masculinity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Concerning yourself about that is good because as the Morpheus says "watching them is perfectly fine" is a misleading statement! It is not perfectly fine, it is a base form of entertainment!. We should be above that!.
Self control is the answer, a man who can control himself is a man with terms of willpower!. Every one of us has it, "willpower" it's up to the individual to exorcise it!. Like your brain or your muscles it is a matter of exorcise!. If you don't work your power it will atrophy!.
That's the only way you can do it my friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

replace the time you spend watching them with other activities!. It might take your mind off the movies, untill you no longer want to watch them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't worry about it!. Watching them is perfectly fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

why do you have to give it up!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com