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Position:Home>Philosophy> Hey lazy heads! can you solve this problem?

Question: Hey lazy heads! can you solve this problem!?
Benito Torelli, a small time casino boss, gets his throat slit when he refuses to pay out protection money!. The local police round up five subjects, who make the following statements:

THEO: I didn't kill Torelli!. I never use a blade anyhow!. Razor did it!.
RAZOR: I'm innocent!. Any of these schmucks who says I did it is lying!. Must have been that hooker Roxane who got Torelli!.
ROXANNE: I never wiped out Torelli!. I was with Mustafah at the time!. Wally pulled the Job!.
WALLY: I did not kill Torelli!. I've never been inside a casino!. I am distinguished computer scientist!.
MUSTAFAH: I'm innocent!. I never saw Roxanne before!. Razor did it!.

Each subject uttered two truths and one falsehood!. Which one of them spifflicated Benito!?
How did you figure it out!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Each subject uttered two truths and one falsehood!. Both Theo and Mustafah say Razor did it!. But two things out of three that Razor says are about his supposed guilt: if one of these is false, the other is, too, which is impossible!. So Razor is innocent, and Theo and Mustafah both lied about him being guilty!. So the other two things Theo and Mustafah said must be true!. So Roxanne lied about being with Mustafah at the time!. Which means that she never wiped out Torelli, and that Wally pulled the job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Razor didn't do it!. Since it's 2 truths and a lie, his statements "I'm innocent" and "Any of these schmucks who says I did it is lying" are basically the same thing!. That would mean his last statement's a lie and Roxanne didn't do it!. One of Theo's statement is "Razor did it!." Since I don't think that's right, then his other 2 statements should be true, meaning Theo didn't do it either!. Same goes for Mustafah, he made the same statement about Razor!. So that leaves Wally!.

I think Wally is our man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How do we know your not the lazy head and have to do this for homework and can't figure it out!?

I will just give you the answer just incase, because I don't want to do ALL your homework!.

The answer is Wally!. I got the answer through process of elimination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What you said about two truths and one lie would point to Wally as he is the only one who doesn't blame the others!. Is this Cluseau evidence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I have zero ideaWww@QuestionHome@Com