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Position:Home>Philosophy> Pondering the nature of life and eternity ……?

Question: Pondering the nature of life and eternity ……!?
All things being relative and subject to perception:
If my lifetime, however long or short it may be is all the time I will ever perceive, can it be considered eternal from my point of view!? After all, we invented measurements of time!. Seasons may pass and things change, but only humans seem to mark time!.
If not, what life can be said to be eternal, if any!? Christians, for instance, say they will continue on forever from this point onward, but what about prior to conception!? If there is a beginning, the life is not eternal!.

(Forgive me!. I spent a lot of time in line at a water park today!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
for me growing up i also never could grasp the concept of "no beginning"

i could almost conceive what no ending meant!.!.!.!.!.but no beginning has always been the thing that trips me up and confuses me!.!.!.

every part of life as we know it!.!.!.every part of it!.!.!.we study to find a beginning!.!.!.and often to predict an end!.!.!.!.

the only two things people try and take out of this category are God and the divine!.!.!.and/or the universe itself!.

but when i try and meditate on the concept of the universe not having a beginning i can't help but stumble onto God!.

the universe has in it matter!.!.!.matter that constantly reshapes, reforms, and keeps the cycles going!.!.!.!.

but where did it come from!?

no matter if you believe in the big bang or whatever!.!.!.you can't deny the fact that its out there!.!.!.

so what day was it born!? and of what!? matter didn't just decide to form and support life!.!.!.so there has to be something more!.!.!.

its all i can come up with!.!.!.

i lost my faith big time from a theology class in college!.!.!.

and found it down the hall in my astronomy class!.!.!.

go figure!.

i have settled down with the peace that i will never know as long as i live and breath in this life all the answers to these questions!.!.!.or who or what i believe the divine is!.!.!.!.

only that there is something that gave birth to the matter that we call the universe!.!.!.and therefore began life!.!.!.

i can't understand it until i join it!.!.!.because i also don't believe that the energy of my soul will simply fizzle out when my body gives!.!.!.!.

i may not have perfect faith in a "heavenly father" but i get the concept!.!.!.and i love that there is mystery to ponder!.!.!.!.

and i love my life here!.!.!.and my husband!.!.!.and my son!.!.!.and the daughter who will be born in the next two days!.!.!.!.

and i know when i look at them and love them that my emotions set me far apart from most creatures!.!.!.!.and that also is a curious thing!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your first points didn't strike me too hard, but about creating a beginning to eternity may or may not make sense!. Good point!.!.!. I'm not sureWww@QuestionHome@Com

nothing is eternal, there is no soul, death is final!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A more prevalent question would be, why were you at a water park today!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eternity will be just like it was before you were born ?
