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Position:Home>Philosophy> Was this orb possibally be a sign of god or just a insect?

Question: Was this orb possibally be a sign of god or just a insect!?
i pray every night!.well one clear sky night i was praying and I was looking out of my window!.and i saw this orb blinking a bright whit light!.and it was flying pretty fast through the trees!.I saw it two time that night!.i thought it would be a insect but it cant be cause a insect just cant produce such a bright white light and blinking every 2 secs!.and the light was just to big to be a insect!.the light was as big as my fist!.also leaving a trail!.

by the way i live in pennslyvania so please tell me wat bug is it or if its god giving me a sign!.

thank u :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you may not believe my answer but it may have been a spirit with a lost soul or it may have been god i believe both ways but I've had orbs and it turned out to be an lost soul that hadn't been able to find the light!. maybe because one of the other souls may have been holding it back!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.well hope that helps=]Www@QuestionHome@Com

When my mother arrived in America, she was riding at night on a train and their were hundreds of little fires lit outside the windows of the train streaking by!. Turns out the were fireflys!. She had never seen them before!.

I don't know what sort of firefly you saw, but maybe it was a UFO or a "Wheel within a wheel" (Ezekiel!.) Good Luck finding out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It could also be ST!. Elmo's Fire!. It is scientifically claimed to be like "a mini lightning" with the charges in the air being excited thus create charge resulting to a glowing light!.Www@QuestionHome@Com