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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think people get emotional and jump to the false conclusion often?

Question: Do you think people get emotional and jump to the false conclusion often!?
Are these people capable of thinking straight!?

Why do some people get emotional while some do not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't know about everyone -- but guys!? Ohhhhh yeah!. Men try to convince us women that they are rocks, with no emotions at all, but they assume they know what you're saying before you say it!. They don't realize the female speech pattern is different from theirs!. So when we pause for breath, they jump right in!. ALL guys are that way!. Either tell them to shut up until you say you're finished speaking, or expect them to jump down your throat!.

My hubby does it all the time!. For example, I once started a sentence by saying "how do you feel --" and he went off on me with why did I always ask him that, didn't I know he hated it, blah, lah, blah!. I was forced to tell him to shut up and let me finish!. I WAS going to ask him how he felt about going on a picnic since it was gorgeous out!.!. Boy did HE feel stupid!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In straight conversation, that is the norm, but I wouldn't rule out blurting out an answer out of habit!. And maybe it's an emotional issue to answer first and best, too!. In other words, they think they have the clearest, most obvious answer, and somewhere between opening their mouths and realizing another scenario, the first idea comes out!. Ppppppppppooooooofffffffffffff

One case in point would be exactly what I just did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is the matter of the "Brain" being in the particular place at the right time!. Left and right side have different parts to play!. One is the logical part, which will investigate and find the right answer, the other is illogical or emotional, which will go with the moment, and "regret later"!. How or why it is done!. Only god knows!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats a very pertinent question and yes when people get emotional they trend to jump to false conclusions !. Every body has emotion and it is human to have emotions , it is only that the sensible people have the capability to control their emotion while the ordinary people let loose their emotions !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we jump to conclutions though false many times because if we emotionally depend on a person called "abc" we generally expect something ( like a particular kind of behaviour ) from him/her & if they act in a little different manner we jump to wrong conclutions easily
this is what generally happensWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, people do all the time!. I myself have done so, I consider myself a straight thinking person!. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes!. There is nothing wrong in showing emotion, it is much healthier in the long run!. Good Luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everybody is that way, it's called being over-reactive, even you are that way, so don't think that you are above those who over-react like you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do every time I come in Yahoo Answers!. I think I am going to get my brain stretched or answer some great insight to others and then I end up writing screaming diatribes all night!.

I falsely conclude that Yahoo Answers is fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Some people have low EQ!.
A balance in EQ and IQ is neccessary to think straight!.
It depend on the EQ of the people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We would be extinct if we didn't jump to conclusions!.

If you are a mouse it is batter to jump at shadown than get eaten by a cat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes they do and if u are emotional u rarely thke the right descisionWww@QuestionHome@Com