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Question: Why do they said this guys!?
"knowledge is power"but what kind of knowledge is power!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Knowledge is what you have learned on certain areas in life!. it can be used as a tool for or against things you believe in, or don't, and can also be helpful when dealing with daily life!. It makes you powerful, because you are well educated in something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Higher knowledge is power, egotistical knowledge is not, and will eventually drop like a bag of dirt!.

Knowledge is power yes, but it isn't always seen on the surface!. The most powerful knowledge I have ever witnessed was silent!. I can see within a person that quiet and -solid as a rock- knowledge in their eyes, it envelopes them like a warm blanket!. It's very impressive and comforting!.

These people are acutely aware of this knowledge that they're blessed with and use it humbly, which to me, is most impressive and very becoming to observe!.

"Maintaining Higher Intelligence humbly and without arrogance is a very attractive trait!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

They say knowledge is power but what they mean is information is power!. In almost any situation, having more information about what is going on gives you a better picture of how to proceed!. For example, if you are using the services of a social worker!. People think, "Oh this person is here to help me, so I'll drop all my issues on them and leave it to them!." Well the reality is that case managers have to document everything they do and justify that they helped you get the help that you needed FOR YOURSELF!. So any "mystery complaints" get lost in the shuffle and those issues that carry DOCUMENTATION get sorted out!. So a person who has the "knowledge" that it is a paper game gets better service from a social worker!. That is an example of knowledge being power, or rather information being power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The knowledge of experience, the knowledge of education are two types of knowledge that come directly to mind!.

Applied knowledge for any individual is power!. It can also be called wisdom!.

Ignorance on the otherhand can leave one exposed to the advantage of others over them!. Financially or economically and socially or politically are areas where I think people can be taken advantage of pretty easily when unexperienced, unaware, or uneducated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knowledge is power if one person knows more than the other about a particular thing in a particular situation!. For example, if you and I are on a trip and our car stalls in the desert and neither one of knows how to fix the car, but, you have knowledge about desert survival that I don't have, YOU will be the leader of that trip!.

Here is the exception: The corporate world--he who knows the most can be at the very bottom of the heap (although if he catches his boss in the closet with a woman other than his wife, that knowledge will become fairly powerful)!.

Knowledge is power in terms of your destiny!. The more you know, the more ways you have to get what you want out of life!.

Knowledge of what you don't want gives you power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, knowledge in and of itself is nothing!. The power comes with the potential available with the use of the knowledge, not the knowledge itself!.
Whoever said "knowledge is power" was not telling the whole story, probably deliberately!. You have to work the 'how' out for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

knowledge is not "something" alone, its just knowing, knowing something (whatever the context is) is power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why, knowledge that is very useful to you, of course!. Knowledge you can use to your own advantage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knowledge that knowledge is not power is power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good useful knowledge that allow you to make good decisions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

all knowledge IS powerWww@QuestionHome@Com