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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are sensitive people perceptive?

Question: Are sensitive people perceptive!?
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I think so!. I've always wondered about how the quality of sensitivity relates to the question of nature or nurture!. Because if everyone was born with the same amount of sensitivity and then according to their surroundings, become more or less sensitive, then that would mean that you actually become desensitized to things, thus becoming less perceptive!. Now how this relates to knowledge I don't know!. Personally I believe that emotional people are smarter because they are more real and connected and down to earth!. People who aren't emotional seem to be disconnected and careless almost!. I'd also say you learn more by being perceptive so sensitive people are probably more susceptible to the collection of knowledge then other people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Typically not!. But alot depends on what you mean by sensitive!. I have a friend who is very bright and can look at a thing (electronic, mechanical, construction, etc!.!.!.) and fix it!. He has a very thick skin, but he is very delicate in his dealings with others!. He is the least emotive or sensitive person I know!.

I have a co-worker who can get any information about anybody from anybody!. She has a knack for interrogation, and she makes you feel like you are walking an old lady across the street while she is picking your brain like a cantaloupe!. She knows almost nothing about art, music, history, politics, culture!. She asks questions about those subjects when she needs the information to fill out her picture of the latest drama in her life!. Would you call her sensitive!?

I of course am Lord Byron in a teacup!. But I am as perceptive as a stump!. I'm one of those people who would help your remove the tires from MY car!.

But there are so many variations and combinations of sensitivity and perception that I don't think there IS a right answer to this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, they are!. They are psychic and have ESP- extra sensory perception!. They have the ability to predict things that will happen before they happen!. But like any character trait, some times it does not work- especially when people challenge whether you have it or not-and you get nervous and stress gets in the way and it fails!. It's like anything that you have naturally and can be developed!. You must be responsible about it!. It's like driving a car or learning to shoot a firearm!. Be careful with perceptive abilities because although it is fun to see into the future it can also be dangerous if not used responsibly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In many cases yes!. I am extremely sensitive and I also can perceive others emotions!. In fact I use to have trouble in crowds because of all of the emotions, thoughts and feeling all around me, that I couldn't' even discern my own!. But I have gradually learned how to focus!. But there are some people I really pick up on their feelings more than others!.
Even on the Internet I can feel the energies of others!. I can also perceive disembodied souls when they are near!. (Ghosts) They are souls who have left their physical body but are still hanging around here!. They are generally extremely scared, angry and miserable due to their trauma at the time of their leaving their body (so called death)!. Generally it use to really scare me when they would come to me!. But I have slowly learned how to help them and not be so bothered by them!. I guess you could say it is a curse and a blessing!. Depends on how you know how to use the sensitivity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I'm considered to be "hyper-sensitive"!. I'm not only very intuitive, I'm very perceptive!.!. especially to people's feelings and moods!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I suppose so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com