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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is a life without one true love a life worth living?

Question: Is a life without one true love a life worth living!?
its just this has been on my mind a lot and i just what to know what other people are thinkingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Life is always worth living if you have a purpose, it could be anything it could be great, it could be stupid but when it doesn't exist make sure your days are numbered!.
Love isn't a purpose to live, it is a way of living, when you get old you might regret not having it, But seeking it is enough joy for some people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is worth living, absolutely!

Not all will find their one true love!. Some think they did and get married but then get divorced!. Some live without a partner all their life!.

I know many people who have not found their one true love and indeed is their life worth living!

You can have a fulfilling life in so many ways!. One of my friends cares for his elderly father and helps young people in distress!. Another just enjoys to live alone, but he is finding fulfillment in spiritual development and in his job!.

Fulfillment you can find in so many good ways!. True love is only one option and definitely a lovely one, but not the onliest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Goal in Life [as a species]: Have about thirty two babies so your species lives on!.

Goal in Life [mentally]: Whatever you want it to be!. Love, money, success, friendship, popularity, etc!.

It's opinion!.

I personally think it'd be a little less good without true love but it'd still be megafantastical providing you did something right!.

P!.S!. Megafantastical is my word!. Nobody use it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that the word 'love' has different perspectives for different people that we come across!. Loving your parents, loving your child!. loving your friends & relatives, loving your pet, loving nature, all have different perspectives!. There is, however, one thing in common and that is the urge to love and get loved!. Life would be miserable if love becomes a compulsion, i!.e!.,carrying out duties and obligations without any attachment!. We all live because there is hope, faith and belief that someone somewhere is waiting for us!. We only carry out well when we are respected in family and society!. What is the purpose of remaining alive without love and respect! If you are unwanted, you are not the fittest to survive, you must leave the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've lived life both ways -with my true love, and without!. Both are worth living because the value you assign to your life comes from within you!. It doesn't come from outside of yourself, from love, or from achievement, or money!. You decide to love your life, then you become fulfilled!. It happens best when you aren't "looking" for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Worthiness, or unworthiness is something that is pronounced upon you by you!. You are the only one that can deem yourself worthy or unworthy!. You are the only one that can love yourself into a state of allowing or disallowing!. There is not something wrong with you, nor is there something wrong with the one who is not loving you!. You are all just in the moment of practicing allowing or resisting!.

Yes because I believe it's a choice!. You can decide to be miserable over not finding your soulmate or Mr!. Right (if that's who you're referring to), or enjoy life as it comes at you!. Love does make life worthwhile, but that can be found through family, friends, and God (if you believe in Him)!. It is possible to be single and happy, but it is really up to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

have you ever slept naked on a road side!.!. because you did not have a roof and no clothes to wear!.!.!. have you ever slept hungry because you did not have money to get one square meal a day!.!.!. have you ever known what it is like to be blind!.!. deaf or dumb!.!.!. well!.!.!.!. if not!.!. then !.!.!. you are luckier than billions!.!.!. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS!.!.!.!. millions and millions of poor children!.!.!. physically and mentally challenged folks!.!. old folks and many more of the types are all waiting out there for someone to come and give them some love!.!. a hug!.!.!. a smile!.!.!. a helping hand!.!.!.

!.!. PLEASE REACH OUT TO THEM!.!.!. GOD HAS GIVEN US THIS OPPORTUNITY!.!.!. dont waste it!.!.!. pleaseeeeeeeeeee!.!.!. dont look for the love of your life!.!.!.!. be the love of so many out there waiting for you and me!.!.!.!. and dont think even once before saying it out to anyone!.!. I LOVE YOU!.!.!. GOD BLESSWww@QuestionHome@Com


In my opinion, this is simple!. Life is all you have!. Little things like that are insignificant compared to the fact that this is all that you have!. Of course it's worth living, there are all sorts of sources for fulfillment besides love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe it is!. Simply the possibility that you will find that one person with whom you are connected to in a way no other could be!. Unconditional love!.
It's what keeps me going!.!.!. God bless, love you (as I love all creation)Www@QuestionHome@Com

True love is a kind of thing , once we start giving it to others we are going to get it back in the same proportions or even more !. As long as we are loving and caring we should be happy and satisfied !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, Ph!.D!.,
give good perspectives on love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes and there is always one true love - your love of yourself and your own lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com


Life is not just about love or true love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All life is worth living with love or without loveWww@QuestionHome@Com