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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are there so many feminine guys nowadays?

Question: Why are there so many feminine guys nowadays!?
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On the whole, they are nuts!. They make no sense!.

Men just want something, anything out of them!. Obviously they want a specific something, but even a little less than the whole would work for them!.

But women constantly complain about how gross we are, or how insensitive, or how rude, or whatever!. We don't care; we'll do whatever it takes to get a woman!. Very simple!.

So we switch up and go more feminine; we try to be sensitive and clean and well-dressed and whatever else!. Then they complain we are too nice, too sensitive!. They want a real man!.

Well they had a real man, and they didn't like that!. They had a sensitive man and they didn't like that!.

To all women: TELL US WHAT YOU WANT!. We'll do it, believe me!. Just make some sense when you tell us; we just want a woman and then we want peace and quiet!.

Well, I guess what I just put down didn't make any sense, either!.!.!.woman AND peace and quiet!. My fault!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eh, feminism is politically correct in the country nowadays!. It's kind of disgusting to watch commercials where women are ALWAYS superior and there is never any smart men on TV Shows!. I think America [at least, in America, not sure of other countries] acting like a man is becoming politically incorrect and you're a "jerk" so many men are naturally being shaped as girly!.

Not trying to be sexist, just something I noticed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you are referring to metros!. Yes there are quite of few of them now!. I don't have a problem with them!. But I would have to say the overbearing mothers have a lot to do with it!. And sometimes the absence of a father figure in their life!.

I remember a time, when if you were a teenage boy and you expressed feminine traits!. You would be immediately corrected by a parent!. Or teased by peers!. but these days, that doesn't happen anymore!. Our society has become a politically correct society that accepts anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Three reasons!. #1!. Gayness is more widely accepted now!. Those men are now able to spread their wings so to speak and therefore, we see them more!. #2!. The phenomenom of the METROSEXUAL! We mistake just being uber-groomed and good-looking for being feminine, when it is just a man fighting his girlfriend over the bathroom mirror! #3!. Church!. There was a whole generation of men when I was growing up that sat snug upside their grandmothers and mothers at church!. Now they are grown men, with hearts of gold, like Big Mama, who have been reared in the church, and now come off as femine, but still like women!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

like who!? anyway guys who seems to understand the opposite sex tend to be feminine in thinking aswell!.
maybe were evolving now to understand the other sex better!. and be a more well rounded individuals!.

did you know in the 1800's youll barely see a tomboy or a gay guy around!. but now they are crawling everywhere, its ironic because you ask yourself how are they multiplying considering how they have sex!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they are not getting that special attention from a woman as needed,they were not Brought up in a traditional way as things used to be,!.Just like anything,when something is lacking,it don't work as its supposed to,same as everything in nature,if something disrupts the natural flow of they,there an adverse reaction,a change of action and thought!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it all happened during the womens rights movement!. women fought so hard for "the pants" and men gave them up to easily!.
also women want men to change for them and be more "refined" i guess is the word for it!. one of my favorite quotes is "how can a man know he is one when his highest aim is minding his manners!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Might be a trend, i don't know for sure!. Thats they're choice, i respect it!.

The other thing that make it more obvious, is that people are now accepted in society for being homosexual whereas in the past people hid to avoid persecution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

could be something to do with estrogen from the birth control pill
there's so many women on the pill that estrogen is found in the water supply!. admittedly in marginal amounts but it builds up over a period of years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet, may help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In What Way, Do You DEFINE Femininity !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Are you are GAY, and find a lot More Men, Attractive these days !?!?!?!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Feminine!? Who are you calling feminine!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's in styleWww@QuestionHome@Com