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Position:Home>Philosophy> 10 points if u can come up with a good rebuttal to this?

Question: 10 points if u can come up with a good rebuttal to this!?
i moved the bibles in the library to the fiction section and got suspended!. but then i gave all my reasons for doing it b/c i wasnt trying to offend anynone but everyone took it all offensively!.!. Can u come up with a rebuttal to this:

"You are harrassing Christians and attacking them based upon your beliefs; this is persecution!. Your relativism really shows flaws in your argument!. Relative truth does not exist!. Absolute truth does!. You saying that my Christianity is right for me, while your atheism is right for you!. Truth is one way or another either I am right or you are ther is no in between!. I am offended by your blatant attack and your harrassment of my frllow brothers and sisters in Christ!. Your blasphemizing the Word of God as fiction very wrong!. What right are you asserting that makes you be able to take away a person’s religious freedom and act surprised you are punished!? And you may not being going off and screaming that my God is not real, but what you did is equivalent!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, it is a criticism of Christian belief (your action implies that the belief is false, which is a criticism!.)

I don't know anything about "your relativism!." In and of itself, saying the bible is false is not at all relativistic!. Just going on your action alone, the beginning of the paragraph you pasted is a completely off base!. Your action doesn't say that Christianity is right for them and atheism is right for you, it says the bible (and therefore Christianity) is false!. By moving the bible in to the fiction section, you seem to be agreeing with their statement "Truth is one way or another either I am right or you are," only of course you think they are wrong!. (Of course you could both be wrong, and Hinduism could be correct)!. If you were really taking a relativist's stance, you wouldn't be claiming the bible is fictitious!. Instead you might say that the truth of a work is a matter of personal opinion!. A library organized this way would likely not even differentiate between fiction and non-fiction!.

I do think you are right, the bible is fiction (mostly), but at the same time, I certianly do see how claiming the bible is fictional can be offensive to Christians!. If you really did not mean for it to be ofensive, perhaps you should try to be a little more sympathetic to other's viewpoints!.

By no stretch of the imagination did you take away religious freedom!. Insulting a religion (intentionally or not) is not nearly the same as "taking away religious freedom," and if the person who criticized you really used that language, they are guilty of hyperbole!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is no effective rebuttal to this!. One's religious intensity is a combination of genetics and upbringing!. You can't get thru that with many people!.

ANy rebuttal would only make sense to a rational person!. it's like trying to convince Rain Man that hot water won't burn baby!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If your library is anything like most, noone would look in fiction for the Bible!. I would check the Religion section of the library for the Bible!. Everyone knows the Bible doesn't belong in fiction!. Maybe they were inadvertantly misplaced!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are right!. You are selectiveliy targetting Christianity!. If you were fair and objective, you'd also have moved Koran, I Ching, and crapload of other religious texts which have no relation to reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your response to my action in moving the bibles to the fiction section is justified because you clearly do not believe in the bible either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no good rebutal for that!. You were wrong, go apologize to the offended!.
However if your arrogance and pride won't let you then have the dignity to just walk away from it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why else would you move the Bibles!? You were just trying to piss people off!. it was unnecessary and disrespectful!. You should just be a man about it and apologize!. And no, I am not Christian!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is this a Catholic school!?

You said 'I gave all my reasonss for doing it'

well, what are your reasons!?

Maybe if I heard those reasons, I would have more of a comment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't!. Look, the Bible is not fiction because its writers did not think of their writings as fictional!. I think that should be the criterion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are right if you moved every single Bible!.!.!.that includes every religion!.!.!.!.!.!.any following at all!.!.!.!.!.can you prove there really are not fiction!? How!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your rebuttal:

1) "Sorry, can you please repeat that again!?"

2) "Bite me!. Sue me"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tell them that they should be glad you didn't throw them in the trash sectionWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't have a rebuttal, but I do find you humorous!. Thank you for my daily chuckle!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, first of all -- if you put the Bible in the fiction section, you were mis-classifying it!. The Dewey Decimal system requires that the Bible be placed in the 200 section, under "Religion"!. So if you work in a library and don't know your basic Dewey system, then you probably did need to be suspended!.

Sounds like you *were* making a passive-aggressive attack on Christians, to me!. *shrug*!. Not sure I'd classify it as blasphemy, though -- more ignorance, than anything else!.

You could say that "all relative truth contains a grain of absolute truth"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as long as you know that all god religious cult fluff is just that, and its their choice to merely make-belief in what ever they find comforting, so be it, as long as evolution and dinosaur books are in the same real section as their fluffy non-sense, so best leave them as they see fit, open your own library book store and place them as you choose, those type of controversial books would be best in there own section void of real or unreal realms, and labeled so, there are no real gods, angels hells, evils, demons, they're all fictitious, and you're just not allowed to disprove their non-existence, live life stay free,!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, I don't think there is any way to say anything that this person would accept, since they are completely brainwashed into believing that Christians and their bible tells only truth!. Wow, "relative truth does not exist!?" Do these people think at all!? You are not harrassing Christians by moving their fictional books!. Get legal advice!!
I would start campaigning to bring all other religious books into the library or get rid of those that are there now!. Start a petition and get support from fellow students!. Speak up for the rights of non-Christians!. How many non-Christians are being harrassed and their beliefs being blasphemed by Christians every day and throughout history!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, this statement is from a religious institution!. They are not interested in arguing the point!. The only way to change this outcome is to change the reason you were moving the books ("Because the Bible is more entertaining than any novel, so I was suggesting the library users read this instead of that phony fiction stuff!." for example!.)

In their context you were blaspheming the bible, so the rest of the argument is irrelevant (even though it is ludicrous, since belief has to be a choice to be valuable, so relativism is an alternative that ALLOWS you to choose absolute truth instead!. Without the IDEA of relativism, God's truth would never be ACCEPTED into the hearts of believers!.)

As for the Bibles being blasphemed by being in the fiction section, "what goeth into a man cannot defile him," (such as seeing the book in the fiction section,) what comes out of him only is sinful (so they sin if they CONCLUDE the Bibles in the fiction section to be blasphemous!.) Those are the kinds of arguments that can get you expelled however!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are wrong!.

If they knew anything about christianity, save the quoting of various passages, they would already know that the modern KJV is a work of fiction!. The fiction may be considered allegory as this must have been the intention of many of the various writers but nevertheless, the modern work is so far removed from the original construction, a committee effort based upon about 26 different versions of the christ story, itself a collection of folk tales and faulty remembrances by unnamed groups, that it bares little resemblance!.

The construction of the christian bible is well documented and was first put together in 4th century Rome!.

If the complainers wish to move the book back to the reference area, require them either to prove it generally reliable or admit the reference section is not required to contain verifiable works sutiable for research!.

I rest my case!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although what you did can be considered thoughtless and inconsiderate, I don't feel that was the Christian way to address you (they should of had a discussion with you)!. I may of taken offense to it too, just based on the fact that a lot of atheist try to be "clever" when insulting faith, which is usually mistaken for intelligence, just go to R&S (there is nothing intelligent about insulting someone)!. You may not intended to be offensive, but did you not think that putting a Bible in the fiction section wouldn't upset Christians at a Christian school!? Not to many people, especially Christians will buy that!.

I have no Idea what your intentions were!. But you should of used bettrer and more mature judgment!.

Who cares about ten points!? Its for people with low self esteem any ways!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Being categorized in the Fiction section does not necessarily imply being wrong!. Fiction can actually ring more true than non-fiction!. The policy behind placing religious writings in the Fiction section is driven by the likelihood that doing so will serve to elevate the mystical excellence which Christianity wields!.

Of course, no disrespect or offense to others was intended!. If the strategical decision to relocate our canonical works by fiat is inappropriate, let us reconsider this decision as a group instead!.

Please let me know when we can meet on this issue, the sooner the better!."


'Not trying to offend anyone' is not a reason for doing it!.
Why did you do it!?
If you honestly believe that's where they belong then I don't think you should be suspended, if you are the librarian!. But are you the librarian!? Do you have the right to put books where you think they should go!? I don't think you should have been suspended just because the person in charge is a christian!. Would you have been suspended if you moved any other book to any other section!?
Why is there a bible in the school anyway!? Are the holy books of other religions there also!? If not, think about that as part of your rebuttal!.
You may have ruined your chance at an effective rebuttal with your initial reaction to the suspension!.
In the future Go through proper formal procedures to make changes via petition or what have you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com