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Question: Human Existence!?
What do you think are major components of human nature!?

What are mankind's biggest flaws!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That we are inherently good
That we are social creatures, needing each other!.
Because we are thus, we try to do what is best to the best of our level of understanding and doing!.
To understand without words!.
To love beyond our own self!.

laziness, therefore the mindset that what others earn is ours!.
meanness, that we understand that the strongest can control the masses, thus, destroying others in mass!.
Hate, envy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in psychology there is a model called Maslow's hierarchy of needs that pretty much sums up components that humans need to feel truly whole!.
I think mankind's biggest flaws are violence and displacement of natural habitat for our convenience!. we were meant to be caretaker of the Earth, not using all of Earth's natural resources for our comfort!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, Dovey90 already mentioned Maslows heirarchy and that's pretty much the 'standard' model of human needs which, in turn, drives our nature (to get those things that we 'need')!. And different people have minor variations from the standard model, but we really are all pretty much the same!.

I think our single biggest flaw is that there are just too damn many of us!. According to a study that was done about 20 years ago (at Princeton, IIRC) 'Spaceship Earth' is capable of comfortable supporting (with renewable resources) about 3 to 3!.5 billion people!. Right now we're crowding twice that number!.
That and all of the idiotic 'religious beliefs' that cause us to hate and fight because 'My god can kick your gods a$$'!.
And then there's always the old standbys such as greed, intolerance, and simple stupidity!.


components of human nature:
our powerful urge to survive, ability to adapt

mankinds biggest flaws that i see are:
greed, need to fight (ppl will always find something to fight about whether ex: religion) , power hungryWww@QuestionHome@Com

muffins are deliciousWww@QuestionHome@Com