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Question: Moral and political philosophies!?
Philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Aquinas, and others, combined both moral and political genres into their theories, as one often affects the other!.

Does anyone have any examples of how moral and political philosophies have affected each other throughout history!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Max Weber, the German sociologist argued that 'the protestant ethic' and 'the spirit of capitalism' worked on each other leading to the construction of the modern form of Western political economy!.

Other writers have criticised this thesis but it is interesting especially when he compares Richard Baxter's moral rules for living with Benjamin Franklins advice to aspiring young businessmen!.

Briefly, Weber pointed up the fit between the Protestant (especially the Calvinist) principles of:

Inner worldliness ('goodness' is demonstrated in what we do in our everyday life not by specialist forms of unworldy religious behaviour)
Ascetism (living modestly, frugally)
The 'holiness' of work
Success or 'wealth' from work and business life is a 'sign' of God's approval (of 'Grace')

with the principles of business life spelt out by Franklin:

Earning money is an ethical duty
‘Time is money’
Money is not for spending: but money should earn money
Wasted time= wasted money+wasted money, which should be earning money
Reputation is money: men should be seen to be constantly earning money, honestly, assiduously and modestly

You can also see this emphasis on the morality and usefulness of 'inner worldiness', in the philosophies of Locke, Hume, and, in general, the Rationalist and Humanist philosophers of the 17th and 18th centuriesWww@QuestionHome@Com