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Position:Home>Philosophy> Whats your thoughts on this? its worth looking at......?

Question: Whats your thoughts on this!? its worth looking at!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
Making choices about your life based on what you think other people want you to do is not only unhealthy, it's unwise!. No one knows what is best for you better than you yourself, so stop listening to the know-it-alls who just love to hear themselves talk!. Trust yourself -- even if you make a mistake, it will be one that will teach you an important lesson!. It'll also help you avoid that same pitfall next time!. Independent thinking is not only healthy -- it is wise!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with making your own choices!. Others always seem to know what is best for you!. Personal opinions are vital to a growing society!. Free thinkers the Gov!. dpoesn't like becuse they want to think for us, tell us what is best for us and I know what is best for me!.
Independent thinking is vital to keep the Gov!. from forming us all into little freightened robots!.

You only got me to look at your thoughts because you said it was worth looking at!. I'm disappointed!. This is common knowledge, not spectacularly interesting!. However, please accept my kind comment!. A child should be instructed by caring parents and do accordingly, until they reach maturity and are able to make wise decisions!. As an adult, each stands on their own and as such, should follow the dictates of their heart!. However, adults living in rebellion, reap the rewards!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My thoughts on this are as follows:

Trust Me

Here’s something for your mental health
If you want something done do it yourself
Don’t make the mistake unless you must
Of thinking in someone else you should trust

Even with the best attempts to plan
Failure is certain if not by your hand
To expect another to complete your work
Is sure to prove you to be the jerk

Just because something matters to you
Similar interest will be found by few
Before asking another to join your cause
Stop for a moment with a reflective pause

What will it take before you will learn
That what matters to you is not their concern
You talk till’ you’re blue to work your magic
Only to have the outcome turn tragic

Try and remember this valuable lesson
I won’t hint any longer or keep you guessing
Before you ask others to come around
Think how many times you’ve let yourself down


We never truly own our mistakes, till we run out of people to blame for choosing them!.

1) Your steppin' on toes now preacher!.!.!.this is exactly where I'm at!.!.!.!.!. I vascilate from others opinions of life-paths to discovering my own!.!.!. ultimately I want my own path; so I can truly take ownership of it!.!.!. but in the meanwhile I still seek others truth for myself!.!.!.!. then again maybe this dichotomy or seeking its resolution is my path!.!.!. at least for now!.!.!.!.

2) We do get self-accolades for preachin' our sermon to others!.!.!.!. don't we!.!.!. I try not too, but it always comes out that way!.!.!. I believe it's necesarry to point others intolerance to self and others as diplomatically as possible !.!.!.!. but there are times when I get sucked into a careless, fruitless debate that leads nowhere!.!.!.

3) Emerson says "We take the way from man, not to man"; a truth echoes in your words upstairs, so to speak, Thanks for the much needed rebuke; hope i prove to be a much better character for it!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not entirely!. It has its limitations!. If every body took that advise a lot of people would suffer from excessive behavior!. Imagine drunks who wont admit that they are telling their families "Only I know what best for me!." What about meth addicts!? It is a fact that their are people who do not learn from experience, most of them are called "multiple offenders!." Thus that concept is not universally practical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I partially agree!. Yes it is important to learn through mistakes and do what feels good to you!. However wisdom does not lie in doing what you think is best for yourself!. wisdom lies in knowing when to listen to what others are saying to you!. Sometimes it is necessary to listen to the advice people are giving you!. and other times it is best to follow your heart!. balance is the key to wisdomWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well said! I have always felt that way too!. Great minds don't think alike, they think for themselves!. And if you don't always make the right decisions, you'll learn from your mistakes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

why don't you send this to the gov't, maybe you can sell the idea to them!. i'm sure they've never heard of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My friend some people can think for themselves while others need to seek guidance; we all need to listen as well as advice others; its not all a waste of time - why do we all go to school!? All our lives, 'it is school time'!.


Well said Hydro-pro!. Trusting yourself means you have direction from the word!Www@QuestionHome@Com

thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com