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Position:Home>Philosophy> If when you died you found out . . .?

Question: If when you died you found out !. !. !.!?
God is evil!. God actually wants you to do the opposite of the ten commandments and make other peoples lives a misery!.

Godthen says he will give yo another chance to be evil on earth!. You are born again with the knowledge that you should be evil (according to God)!. what do you do in life!?
are you good, or bad, like god wants you to be!?

**this question is mainly for christians who say they do good things because it is gods will or whatever, but anyone can answer**Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well because I'd met God & knew He were real, I guess I would do evil!. I'm sure Christians' would say God were testing your faith & you should come back to the world and do good again, but I think if I'd met Him and He told me to do evil, I'd do it!.!.!.because I knew He were actually real!.!.!.I hope you understand what I'm saying! Would you do evil!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok, I'm not a truly religious person, but this is what I think!. If that scenario were true, the meeting would never take place!. Christian belief, you are a servant of God and will be rewarded in Heaven!. You do not accept Christ, and you will go to Hell with Satan!.

So basically in this scene, wouldn't that person go to the metaphoric opposite 'Hell' because they didn't serve that evil Gods purpose in the first place!?

Honestly, it shouldn't matter who you worship, or if you worship!. That is a personal matter for everyone to decide themself!. Either way that floats your boat, I appreciate the people who like being Good quite a bit more than those who like to be evil :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is a label, like literally the word god is a label!. Im seeking a relationship with that being whom brings positive illumination to our world, I refuse to believe that the world was created by a villain!. In the land of what ifs, if i came to find this out I'd probably try to kill this evil god you speak of!.
As for you fallen angel, hahaha!. seriously, you're names fallen angel and you're a mouth piece of the devil!. thats too much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That sounds like a circular argument!. If there is a God, than it is a God of love (God IS Love) and if there isn't, than He/She/It/Whatever can't be evil!. I do good things, because I like people being nice to me, but if there is a God then He/She might be nice to me too!. Both ways I feel good!.

You would not be able to tell what is actually good, because if god said it was good to be bad, and that's how people should live - then this would be classed as "good"


I think when we die we get to find out the whole god thing was fabricated to control people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm an atheist but i would still be good because its not in my nature to be bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think cheese is right!.
I would answer the sameWww@QuestionHome@Com

the gift of grace is not dependent on good action!.!.!.
we are given free choice to do as we will!.!.

this question shows much confusion!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im no christian but i would do good, i could never serve an evil godWww@QuestionHome@Com

so wrongWww@QuestionHome@Com

I guess I'd do what he saidWww@QuestionHome@Com

We all seek love and affection and naturally fear evil and wrong doing against ourselves at least!. Is this not a sign that we naturally accept that evil doing and evil doers are wrong!. If we by nature are love and pleasure seeking entities, which we are!. Then surely that is coming from the original source, which many term as God!. There is no need for God to tell you or anyone else in the world to came and be evil!. The human being is managing it very well all on it's own thank you!.

Is it worth the price you pay that fleeting moments gain,
which in another day will only bring you pain!.
Are you wandering across the earth with no thought of times to come!.
Have you thought of your next birth and all the wrong you've done!?
For the night will not protect you or conceal a hidden sin!.
For the evil that you do is witnessed from within!.

The supreme witness is in the heart of all!. Nothing gets missed!. Whatever you do's gonna come back on you!

Take care Angel!. Best wishes!. Gouranga!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com