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Position:Home>Philosophy> How much is your imagination light ?

Question: How much is your imagination light !?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Imagination is the place where the sole reason for things happening is their happening!. I might find that my room is lit up extraordinarily brightly and I might like to investigate as what is the source of this extra brightness, or more interestingly still, if I find a finely wrapped package placed on the table, I might assume that it is some present, but from who!? It is only logical for me to ask!. In our imagination, however, things do not need their explanation, they just happen for reasons that we might know nothing of in our realistic view of our world, they happen for the reason that they just managed to happen!.
This in fact is vital for our being, for the mind, that our imagination remains independently fertile, as creative and intuitive!. It is just as colourful fragrant flowers could grow upon heaps of compost, our imagination could produce contents from beyond the means of reason and understanding!. Imagination is the place where the will of life, or the light, is miraculously transformed into wonderfully vivid images, notions and thoughts of life!. Imagination is the place where life aims to reach its fulfilment, a place illuminated with pure light, the light of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good evening,

How it is light !?
As light as a sweet breath is if tired!.
As light as a sort of blue rain!.
As light as heavy it can be also sometimes!.

My own imagination is not as light (or brigth) as what I've been saying , but anyway, very part of some poetical history!.


imagination of light is very very powerful!. there is a saying----
jahan na punhche ravi----vanha punche kavi---i!.e!. where sun can not reach a poet reaches!.imagination power of writers is considered maximum!. similarly,painters,mural makers etc!.etc!. have imaginations wonderful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mine!? You can have it for 50p!. I will then imagine another in it's place :o)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can have it for £2!.99Www@QuestionHome@Com

What on earth are you babbling on about you cretin!. Shape up and fly right!. For gods sake fix up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

About 100 watts!.

Sorry, but I don't understand the question!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My imagination is very dark indeed!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


light like the flight of a dove
bright like the sunshining on a white beach of shingleWww@QuestionHome@Com