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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you one to "stick to your guns" or can your opinion be swayed?

Question: Are you one to "stick to your guns" or can your opinion be swayed!?
Give some examples, of why you either do or don'tWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I stick to my guns when I have an inner knowing on a topic--intuition!. I stick to my guns when I have experienced a situation that proves my theory!.
But I can be swayed when I know that I do not have enough information to make an informed decision, or when, after trial and error, i learn it the hard way, I can definitely be swayed!.
If someone gives me compelling evidence, indeed, I can be swayed!.
I think most of the time, the more information you prove yourself with, the more able you are to form an opinion--info in the form of people, books , experiences, and physical proof!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure which you would say I am!. The reason for this is because I am very open mind and can see both sides to everything I can also argue either way!. I am willing to hear everyone’s opinion on something and agree with it yet at the same time I stick to my own!. I'm not one to say anyone is really in the wrong with out putting my self there as well!. Though this is very tough to do!. The reason for is this is I, like everyone else, likes to think there opinion is the right one which is wrong!. An opinion is the way you see something the way you think it is, nothing more!. There is nothing write or wrong about it, it just!. I guess you could say I stand by what I believe but am willing to see other people’s points of view as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My opinion can be swayed for the mere reason that there are too many theories in the world and people, as well, to stick to one opinion!. I mean if a person has heard a lot of other opinions and arguements then I can see why they can "stick to their guns", but if a person is underexposed, then an open-mind will do them good!. So, I try listening to different points of views and try to use my logic!.!.!.if I can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it depends
on music and films and stuff like that
i cant be swayed, i mean i like what i like
if its certain bands i might like certain albums and not others i mean avenged sevenfold are a prime example i like there sounding the seventh trumpet, waking the fallen and self titled but cant stand their city of evil album

things other than media i can be swayed
but not easilyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a 'stick to your guns' girl but if someone has a good different point of view it makes me realise that there are other ways of looking at things, so yes I can be swayed also!.Www@QuestionHome@Com