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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can anger be a healing emotion too?

Question: Can anger be a healing emotion too!?
Can just getting gut angry at life help you to buck up and begin healing things that are effecting you , that you have no control over!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Absolutely! Being angry can lead to forgiveness, and both anger and forgiveness are a big part of healing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Strong emotion usually precedes strong action, so that's good, or at least better than just sitting there!. What I find troubling in your question is the "that you have no control over"!. Getting emotional about things you have no control over can be a lot like butting your head against the wall!.

When I get angry, I've found that underneath it all there's almost always something that I'm really mad at myself about, so when I notice I'm angry I talk to myself in the mirror and ask myself "OK, what's this really all about!?" and I keep asking until I get an honest answer from myself!. I know that sounds kooky but it works for me!.

Whenever I feel unhappy about something I have no control over, I go to a quiet place in nature and meditate, asking myself the question "Do I really have no power over this!?" usually after thinking about it for a while I come up with some things that I can do that my mind was hiding from me because they were unpleasant, or that I didn't think of because I was upset and not thinking clearly!. Usually, if you don't approach a problem directly but get clever and go around it you can influence almost everything at least a little!.

Peace & JoyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ms Crone, now YOU know better than that!. ALL the emotions have their beneficial aspects to them and ANGER is CERTAINLY one of those that has been known to accomplish wonders in this universe!. Sometimes with bad results but also many times with GOOD results as well!. Anger's not the problem, it's unjustifiable anger that becomes the problem, and uncontrolled anger as well!. As long as your intent is good and the reasons that you are angry are valid and you can control it then everything's just fine and the outcome will be for the greatest good of all!.

Brightest Blessings,
Raji the Green WitchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Getting angry is usually a first step, I've noticed, for myself personally!. Like, I get MAD, but underneath that I am usually hurt!.
You have to get all the anger out before you can get to the hurt, and then begin forgiving though!. That's been my experience, at any rate!.
Being angry usually points to places I've been hurt, though, so my anger an be a tool used to discover where my wounds are and then start trying to heal them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I sincerly believe that!. Anger needs to be released!. Pent up anger can be dangerous and bad for your health!. It is just the way that anger is released that is the important part!. Writing down your angry thoughts and feelings is a great release and it doesn't harm anyone!.!.!.unless someone reads it who's not supposed to!.

also, people who battle with depression, stay depressed because they can't get in touch with their anger!. One method on the road to feeling better and coming out of a depressed state is to get angry!. It is a powerful energy, it removes blockages and gets your blood going!. By no means, should one stay in a state of anger but it can bring you up and out of depression and apathy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A person can become very ill from stuffing down all their anger!. If you feel your anger is inappropriate, or will unnecessarily hurt someone, there are ways of channeling your anger like a reversing TX valve!. (A reversing TX valve is used on heat pumps and gives both cooling and heating!.) Keep your system clean, have a good "service tech" check your system on a regular basis (twice a year for machines and humans!)

sry, I went random there!. Really, for appropriate anger, get those words out to the person in question!. For inappropriate anger, a punching bag in the basement, or a cleaning session in your house!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suppose I believe so!. Understanding your anger and/or putting it into proper perspective seems to be a healing experience in my opinion!. One can not ignore ones emotions!. One must also not become emotional,!.!.I ShOuLd SpeAk,!.!.Ahem!.
Sometimes it takes a bit to understand things which is why it is important to be patient with yourself, allow the anger, figure out what exactly it is you are angry about and deal with it/move on!. Sounds like a healing process to me!.

(((Everybody,!.!.and spirit alike!)))Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi PC,

I am not one of those people who shies away from well placed anger, and I acknowledge it when I find myself experiencing it!.

I know what you are talking about!. Getting mad about it wasn't something that happened to me!. I guess it is because life isn't doing anything to me personally and deliberately!. It happens to all of us women if we reach the age!. Men have their own issues too!.

But I can't make myself get mad at Nature for what happens to me when Nature could not care less, it didn't "do" it to me!.

For me, healing anger only works if I am genuinely angry at someone who deserves the anger!. I can't get mad at life!.

The healing is happening (believe it or not) with time, with acceptance, and with turnign a page in my life, albeit slowly!. It is happening because I am looking for people who need me!. I want to help!. I want to go to Rwanda and hold the hand of a woman who has lost everything, put milk in the cup of a starving child, mop the brow of a person dying of AIDS!.

This is one of my plans, and it takes me out of my selfishness, and THAT is helping me heal!. For now, I give to Kiva!.org and the Heifer Project, so I am letting my money do what I can't do until my son is grown up and is independent!.

Anger for me doesn't work toward healing in situations over which I have no control, and which weren't aimed at me with the notion of hurting me!. If hurt happens from the situation, there are other ways than anger for healing to happen!.

for me anyhow!.

Lady MorganaWww@QuestionHome@Com

This is a good question for which I have No answer, but thought I'd give it a try , I have felt Angry at life lately but where to you put it , I felt a little better flipping off a couple people on the freeway and a couple other things that only made me look like a fool !?!? But for me I've learned i don't have control over much!. Well not much of an answer but i can understand what you feel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, you see there are 2 types of emotions, physical and mental!. Physical emotions, like anger or fear, only serve to help in times of physical need like a fight or a sports match!. Mental emotions, like joy or sorrow, help the healing and thinking aspects of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that it only works if you can work through your anger and resolve it!. Otherwise, it will eat you away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes, but don't let it consume you!. Controlled, yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com