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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you ever felt "haunted" by something but weren't sure what? O

Question: Have you ever felt "haunted" by something but weren't sure what!? Or who!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actualy Ms Crone we ALL are haunted by something!. Many are haunted by external spiritual forces but MOST are haunted by energies of their OWN making!. Whether it be remnorse over some wrong or cruelty that we visited upon someone, or suffering from the wrongs done by others upon us!. We are also haunted by the negative energies that we have put out into the world from our many inconsiderate and selfish actions, and they need not be individually a major thing but, even small things tend to build up to such a point as to haunt us with the knowledge that we have done this to ourselves!. These can tend to manifest in our minds as "presences" that just "Seem" to be there!. We get paranoid and the entire thing begins to escalate to a point that we force them into subjective reality!.

Brighest Blessings,
Raji the Green WitchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. All my life!. Never a bad feeling that I can think of, except when small!. High fevers kept me down and dreaming the strangest and weirdly graphic visuals that I can still see today!. Giant 3D shapes that spun and danced around the room, and the walls at once looked very far away, then they would come rushing up and lean in on me!. I felt like I was suffocating!. I could feel the shapes too, and it was like I had them in my hand and rolling one between my fingers while watching them spin!. It was probably the brandy they would give to get me to sleep!. [: (Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are two "things" that I believe are around me; the first is an older woman whom I believe is "Granny M" from my past, and the other are the two cats that I helped near the end of their lives!. I also feel my mother's presence in my life a lot since she passed away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, but it wasn't by a ghost or an entity!.!.!.it was more of a situation or rather of things to come!.!.!.just a feeling of dreadful pain, not physical but that of sorrow!.!.!.like if i were in danger and I had no way of controlling it!.!.!.it's hard to explain so i'll stop at that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am haunted all the time by pre-formed ideas that pop out of my subconscious mind like "the corners of boxes poking out of the clouds!." But I suspect that you mean Ghosties, not inspiration!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it's freaking creepy ****!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Yes, but I don't know what it was!.



nope, it's a good thing, because I'd probably kill over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com