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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is what we call intelligence just a matter of... our taste in ideas?

Question: Is what we call intelligence just a matter of!.!.!. our taste in ideas!?
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!.!.!.I like to read quotes from famous people (authors mostly) past and present!.!.!.I recall one form Henri Amiel, a 19th century philosopher, and it reads, "Clever people will recognize and tolerate nothing but cleverness"!.!.!.so, I do think this quote holds water in that intelligent people have a "taste" for other intelligent peopleWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, it's not just our taste in ideas!. There are some I know to be quite intelligent who have many ideas about things that are foreign to me, or even contrary to my taste in ideas!. We can discuss certain issues and rarely come to an agreement!. However, I can respect the thought process of the other and understand that his probably is respected as much as mine by certain others!. One of the basic tenets in law is that there are certain issues on which "reasonable minds may differ"!. If someone is able to postulate ideas that are distasteful to me, that does not make him unintelligent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I think it's supposed to be a matter of aptitude for complex understanding - the ability to use knowledge to increase understanding!. Intelligence can be in any area, including areas that aren't considered intellectual or creative, and can lead people to many differing conclusions depending on their "taste in ideas!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Deny to no one person of the species of Man that thing which makes him of the species; intelligence!. Every man has intelligence, some to a larger degree than others!.

But to say that any many alive has no intelligence at all is to impugn the most noble species, " such a grand and glowing creature, that over any ignominious blemish in him all his fellows should run to throw their costliest robes!."
(Moby Dick; Herman Melville)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think intelligence is a how well you go through a life's phases and handling life' problems!. its not a matter of taste in ideas, its an innate characteristics that we all have!. we differ in depth and we are all unique in some ways!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can tell what thoughts lead to darkness!. When we surrender these, light fills the room!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would call it a matter of solving problems!.
If it must be a question of taste, I'll prefer
the idea that works!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we all are intelligent on some of the things we know better than the other person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

great minds think alike so i say
yeah probablyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Or what we would like/want to know, do or be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com