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Position:Home>Philosophy> All human's are *Exacctly* the same. But do we carry that on?

Question: All human's are *Exacctly* the same!. But do we carry that on!?
Besides our conscience!. Eat, breathe, drink, walk!.!.!.it's all the
same, our conscience is what sets aside to form opinions and
personality etc!.

SO the real question is does our Conscience Carry on after we pass away!? are we still the unique individual we have developed to become!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Just because we achieve consciousness does not mean we achieve immortality!. It dies when we die!. Consider this: What is your earliest memory!? Yet, you know you existed before then!. What then of consciousness!? Do you remember yearning for a bottle or desiring to have your diaper changed!? I bet you don't!. Very few would!. So we became conscious and when we die,it ceases also if not before (Alzheimer's or dementia)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


All humans are not exactly the same!. Human nature is consistent, but cultures have different values, beliefs, and behaviors!.

All humans are Homo Sapiens, but we have tremendous genetic and morphologic diversity!.

Our conscience is our personal experience during life!. It does not exist after death!. Some believe it is recycled (reincarnation) or returned to heaven!. There is no evidence to support these ideas!.

Many religions and philosophies have widely different views on "soul" and what happens upon death!. There is no general agreement on the subject!. It is a matter of faith!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say yes!. Your conscience lives long after we are all gone!. It lives in our kids and the people we touch on daily basis!.

Imagine a world without conscience!. Imagine our kids tyring to figure things out without any solid basis of understanding right from wrong!.

This world would have to start from scratch every time a generation ended!.


It seems likely that we imprint the quantum field and that information somehow remains cohesive so that our causes continuie to produce effects!. There is no definitive proof of this, but distance effects displayed by identical twins, strongly hint at it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh yeah that and we are genetically different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we are infinite far from be "exacctly" the same!.
but in some way we are all one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

only one will know when one passes away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com