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Position:Home>Philosophy> The intellect is nothing but a bit and bridle?

Question: The intellect is nothing but a bit and bridle!?
bit and bridle =device used to control a horse

Do you think this is true!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My life's experience thus far has shown me that at times my so called intellectual understanding of any given situation can actually be a ruse to justify rash actions!. A tad vague but thinking my way out of ignoring my true feelings or conscience to me is another way of saying bit and bridleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Depends!. Are you saying the greater the intellect the easier to control, or the less the intellect, the easier to control!?

A very low intellect will not be controllable, and will fight what the person cannot understand!. The greater intellect will fight the control by knowing the right and wrong!.

Are you saying then, the average intellect can be sold a bill of goods that helps them not at all, but helps the rider, then I would say yes!. My statement is proved about every leap year, when we elect a new president!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps if you would share your definition of the word intellect
it would be good!.
For me this word intellect means
The ability to perform-- or produce--or
the power to learn -think ratonally--
retain knowledge--use the mind creatively!.

Therefore- being intellectual is not a negative thing!.
The problem with some intellectuals
could, perhaps, be lack of understanding of how
intellect should be applied!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes we are bieng used of our intellect of wrong information som of the smartest people in the world are biend used (directed) to bulding war machines when they could be using it for so much purpose instead of building war they could build peace and the reason their not doing that is because of being bribed with money!. people have been taught be smart money is important etc!. etc!. so wer being leaded to wats wrong instead of right so basiccaly wat im saying is i agrre :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I get the "bit and bridle" allegory, but it doesn't make sense to me!. If one is intelligent, wouldn't it be a "freeing" experience as opposed to a controlling one!? Unless, of course, the intelligent person wanted to use his intelligence to control others!. I don't know about this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can see how one could say that!.
The intellect can be seen as the bit and bridle that keeps us from being purely instinctual animals!.

If one wants to see themselves as riding there body!.

However, I do not feel that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that wisdom comes from the heart!.!.and the intellect is a processor of information!.!.!.

how we think!.!.dictates who we are!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you ever visted a STAMPEDE!?
Thank God for intellect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com