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Position:Home>Philosophy> How does "The Secret" work so well?

Question: How does "The Secret" work so well!?
I am one of the biggest skeptics I know, but I tried "The Secret," and I feel like the luckiest person in the world sometimes!. Everything always works itself out for me!. Why does it work so well!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It works because the universe is made up of vibration!. When your vibration matches those things you want, they are automatically drawn to you or you to them!. It works because you have discovered how to vibrate towards what you want or to attract what you want!. It's normally rejected because it's so simple and we are so used to being complicated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

IMO, the secret works because its rules dictate that you always believe it is working!. If at any point you see that the secret is not working, then you are not following the rules of the secret, therefore it is working as described!.

Stating that positive thoughts yield positive results does have some basis in reality, but not in the way they describe!. Obviously people with positive attitudes tend to seem like happy, fun people!. These people are often treated better because they seem nice!. People prefer to be around, and do good things for nice people as opposed to crum bums!.

However, thinking about winning a million dollars will not bring you a million dollars!. If however, you are instructed that everything that does not work is because you did not think about it hard enough, or properly!.!.!.!.!. and the very fact that it didn't work is proof of this!.!.!.!.!. then it is a circular argument and basically moronic!. It is comparable to the notion that my house keys work as bear repellent because I never get attacked by bears while I have them in my pocket!.

It either works or it does not!.!.!.!.!. if you win the lottery maybe I will revisit my theory!. I would bet that you won't because the real secret is that it is BS!.

The concept of the secret also happens to blame victims for crimes or travesties perpetrated on them!. To suggest that it is the fault of the victim because they didn't think enough happy thoughts is completely disgusting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The "secret" doesnt actually work so well!.!.!. it just changes your perspective!. Its really not anything more than the old "positive thinking" books that would come out!.!.!. This one just caught on to the mainstream!.

By encouraging you to put it out into the universe it takes some of the stress off of you and then you sit back and wait for it to come back to you!.!.!. Usually, people spend so much time stressing the issue that when the good comes back to us, we miss it or just take it for granted!. That shift in perspective, more than anything else, is why the Secret seems like it works!.

I have to say though, I do agree with the premise just not so much with the pop-psych approach of the "program"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's called a confirmation bias!. We tend to pay much less attention to things that contradict our beliefs, and since attention is one of the key aspects in forming memories the result is that we remember mainly those events that confirm what we already believe!. This can easily result in an illusory correlation, which is how The Secret works!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The ignorant will always find solace in the "mysterious secret", because it offers an oppurtunity to divorce oneself from the meaningless tedium of reality!. Meanwhile the author is laughing, at you, whilst sipping pina colada on the Riviera!. The secret is "humans are stupid and very easy to separate from their money"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it always has!. now you take the time to look for things that comply with this new system you've adapted!.
it's true with all systems!.
submission to the natural flow of life will allow you to see clearly that none of it is good or bad luck!. it is just happening!. it has no direct implication to an individual destiny and you are free to be regardless of what is happening!.
luck is a value that we've learned to assign to things we consider good or bad!. problem is that we are conditioned to view a thing as one or the other when in reality they are neither!. is a flat tire good or bad!? it's good if you needed practice changing the tire on a car you've never done it on!. it's bad if you are late to a meeting!. it's good if it gives you a valid excuse to miss a long and tedious meeting!. it's bad if the meeting was to recognize how well you have been doing!.!.!.on and on and on!.

the secret is that you are life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It works because you believe it and if you believe in something it brings life to it and it also keeps you more motivated to do more in a positive light, thus making things positive come your way!. If you believe in something , it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks , ( its only there opinion!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

the secret is just common sense, written in a fancy way
it encourages positive thinking, so u appreciate any gd!. no matter how minuit it is!. its psychological, its nothing new, its been around 4 years some1 just decided 2 make it classy and throw it in2 a bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

Stop tempt God to show you otherwise!.!.Just be your best within a circustasncess in which" you found yourself!.!.!.Why does not matter it work keep it with both hand , for you having an answer itself without a question!.!.when it fail to work for you then ask a questions!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"The Secret" was B!.U!.LL!.SH!.I!.T!.
I'm sorry, it's a load of crap!.
you know what that book/movie does!? It gets you to believe in something that can't happen, no matter how much you "think" about it in your mind!. Then it just gets people depressed because they will find out one day that just THINKING about something DOESN'T MAKE IT HAPPEN!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This book appeals mostly to women!. It is a sales gimmick!.

The truth of the moment is not in a book and cannot be learned!. It is what it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Secret is not a new concept!.
It's been around for years!.!.!.!. like attracts like!.!.!.!.
what goes around comes around etc!.!.!.!.!.
I will say that practicing the visualization and ideas of the secret will definitely change your life!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evil has power!. How do you think it has stuck around so long!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you have faith and you believe it will work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You tell us if it worked for you like you say it did!. There is no secrets!. GourangaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Secrets!.!. Are they any good!?!.!.!?Do human really need them!? ~_~Www@QuestionHome@Com
