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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you like to walk through forests and climb mountains?

Question: Do you like to walk through forests and climb mountains!?
Do you think that the Beauty of Nature helps us to understand the world better!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Whenever life gets just a little too much for me I have 'secret places' that I visit!.

I have been going to these places since I was a child and now that I am an adult they are like old friends to me!.

I know when I set my feet on a certain path that I have taken the first step to clearing my mind!.

Mid way through I find a private spot, just sit down and let my mind wander!. I look at the trees, the plants, the animals and birds, the sky and all of these things bring life back into perspective for me!.

I let the sounds of nature become natural music to my ear that drowns out all worrying thoughts!.

I let the sun hit my face and recharge me with new energy!.

Everything about nature is positive, unspoilt, ever-changing and ever constant in its renewal!.

It reminds me that no matter how much we see a situation as permanent it is ever changing!. That no matter how dark the night daylight surely follows!.

When I return from my walk I feel happy and calm; ready to go back to the situation that brought me to nature in the first place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh i love it, i love going for long walks in the bush and i love climbing, checkout the link below, this is one i climb a fair bit and without ropes!. I love sitting out in nature and just clearing my mind and soaking up it's beauty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I rather stay at the beach and stare at the waves and the sunset!. But I do agree with you that Nature's Beauty helps us to be at peace with the world we live in!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes yes yes! need I say more!?

pls add scubadiving too, you'll appreciate the world better ones you seen the Tubbataha Reef here in Palawan, Philippine Islands!.!.!. or check www!.new7wondersWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think we understand the world much at all

But I do love walking in a nice forest - unfortuanately, there are none where I live!.

I love pineforests the most!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have been doing it throughout my life whenever I have a chance without any ulterior motive, just to be in tune with the infinite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes it does help me understand!. it always different too, always somthing newWww@QuestionHome@Com

i love the wilderness it is so beatufil nd yes i tink dat it helps us understand da world better
it makes u wabt 2 care 4 bature nd tings moreWww@QuestionHome@Com

Walking around forests and mountains is pretty fun for me!.!. i enjoy it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


But sadly, the way my body was born could not handle the trekking!Www@QuestionHome@Com