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Question: Good Liars are Perceptive!?
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This question was inspired by, 'I am anti hero's'!.!.!.!.Y!. A!. member!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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awww, thanks for mentioning me

oh yeah andrew i know about that!.

and they said that lying was actually a good sign on children, it means that its good brain development, imagine that!.
they looked because of curiousity and they lied to get out of unnecessary trouble!. white lie at least!.

Good Liars are perceptive, and we know that you need to be perceptive to manipulate people, otherwise you will get caught lol!. sense other peoples feelings and mapping out how they think, you can make them believe anything you say!.

well smart people do lie better this is just my theory that lying is a necesssary evil, if you cant convince someone that your right, when you are infact right!. you have to take a different approach, you manipulate them to do what you think its right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I remember hearing about a survey that interested me, concerning this topic!.

There was a test on children, to determine whether lieing was any indicator of IQ!. The children were left in a room with a two way mirrior!. Before the adult left, they told the child that behind them on a table were some amazing toys, but they weren't to look at them untl the adult came back!.

The children that looked at the toys, and then lied about it later on, were later tested on their IQ with standard tests, and it was found they had a higher IQ!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah- I guess thay have to be able to sense somebody's response to what they are saying to know what to say next-
(or to know who is most vulnerable, anyway)
I have a sister who is like that!. I cant stand her-Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes good liars are perceptive!. They also have to have incredible memories and/or a degree in the Art of B@*"cks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sure they are!.!.!.!.they need to know who they can con, and who they cannot!. I don't know if it's intelligence or 'street smarts', but they are indeed perceptive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

good liars are criminals anywayWww@QuestionHome@Com

i would answer your question, but im afraid i have to go and poop!. im sry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I don't know, I never lieWww@QuestionHome@Com