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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do we know life is real? Is a Matrix theory possible?

Question: How do we know life is real!? Is a Matrix theory possible!?
What actually defines us as real!? How would we know!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, entirely possible!. The "simulation argument" makes the assuption that the ongoing development of computers and increasing computing power could potentially increase to the point where perfectly life-like historical simulations of the past are possible!. Based on this assumption it then poses three conflicting hypothesis for the future - one of which MUST be correct!.!.!.

1!. That mankind will become extinct before it has the chance to build computers powerful enough to perfectly simulate the real-world and run 'historical simulations'

2!. That mankind WILL survive long enough to develop computers powerful enough to run these simulations but won't actually, for whatever reason, create and run the simulations

3!. That mankind WILL survive long to develop the simulations and WILL choose to create and run them!.

If hypothesis 1 or 2 are correct then we have nothing to worry about!. However if hypothesis 3 IS correct then it is entirely possible, and actually quite probable, that we are all already living in one of these historical simulations without realising it!.

Worth doing more research on if you are interested!. Mind-bending stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we don't know!.!.
The "brain in a vat" theory used in the matrix gives the human the ability to feel every single human emotion, scent, sight, and touch just through the mind!. If I remember correctly from my psychology class this is from direct stimulus to the brain stem and the different parts of your brain that triggers these sensations!. Meaning that there is no need for a body, skull or face!. So my friend we don't know!. Isn't is scary to think that this world might just be one big illusion and in reality we're just brains floating in a tub of liquid!. Scary!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, i would have thought that if a matrix style theory is possible, it would be impossible to find out without help from the outside world!. and uhh!.!.!. i think we're real because!.!.!. we can belieave in each other enough to be real, and exist in each others minds, so we have to be real in some ways, and if we can think of things then that makes us like ccreators and creators are real!.!.!. i dunno im tired that probably made no sense, i typed it as i thought it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Literally all the evidence in the universe shows that the world exists!. That's good enough for me!. It could be that all the evidence in the universe is just made up by some type of evil decivier, but I'm willing to take that chance!. If we didn't accept what every piece of evidence ever points us toward, we would be paralyzed and whatever meaning there is in life would vanish!. So I can't prove it, but I'm going to continue to believe in the existence of the world as I see it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anything is possible because were only exposed to
what we know!. But you have to imagine how amazing it
is that theory could be real or even Many more! the world
is such huge place physically and mentally and the fact we
only use like 5% of our brain makes me wonder Why we
have more and why aren't/don't we use it!.!.!.!.maybe something
is blocking it!?!? great question by the wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

what defines us as real!? If real is what you taste, feel, see, and hear, then "real" is nothing more than electrical signals interpreted by your brain!. Funnily enough we dream in the same matter, just having our brain interpret signals!. So what is real!? We don't know!. Only an outside source waking us will tell us if we are living in a dream world or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I WISH THE MATRIX WAS REAL!?!!?! That would be cool!.!.!. I would pay someone to make that real, then they could inject all knowledge into my mind!. I wish I controlled the Matrix!. I often tell my dad and friends that I pre-program everything that's going to happen during the day, I'll say:

"See that girl kissing that boy!? I created them with my computer, and I set this time for them to kiss!.!.!." Etc!.

Yeah, I'm like!.!.!. the all controlling "god" of our modern world!?!

(Did you think in the movie that the matrix had existed during Egyptian times!? Or Caveman times!?!?


I read a news story recently about a professor of computer science or something who says that based on what we now know about the capabilities of computers, by his estimation it is now more likely than not that we are currently in a computer simulation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is "real!." We filter the "empirical world through very dodgy senses, to a brain fond of oversimplification!. Are we even getting an accurate picture of the "matrix world" we live in!? Our own body tells us lies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we dont know
the only thing we can be certain of is our own existence, but even then u cant be sure of what form u exist in!.
good luck tryna figure this one out

if u fancy some pleasure reading, try Rene Descartes, dream argument, evil demon & brain in vatWww@QuestionHome@Com

There's a book you should read, it's called "matrix and philosophy!." check it out, it came out a few years ago so it should be pretty cheap on half!.com!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if we were all part of a 'matrix scenario' then why would they programme some people to know the truth, or even provide the possibly of finding the fact outWww@QuestionHome@Com

Who cares! HahaWww@QuestionHome@Com

run a bath of water !.!.sit in it!.!.!.switch a hairdrier on and immerse in the bath!.!.if you wake up resend your findingsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe not the Matrix but SKYNET is out there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com