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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is God an entity, a concept, or a definition?

Question: Is God an entity, a concept, or a definition!?
And can you be more creative about this than folks in the Religion and Spirituality section (I'm guessing, yeah, and that you'll be able to do it w/o Biblical quotes and talking points!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think God is a name we have given to something that exists in us, because sometimes it's easier to look outside yourself that to look in you!.
Some say that religion and God were created by humans as a moral code, but I think that people have discovered the power of belief, and they wanted to use it to control the masses, in some cases and in others they used it as means of connecting with each other!. My opinion is that we need a concept like God , because we are not strong enough and we need a haven , but it should not be this way!. We should be able to live through ourselves , to take responsability for our life!. Someone once said(i can't remember the name) that it's harder being an atheist because you dont' t have God to forgive your mistakes!. I belive it to be true , because then you'd have to forgive yourself and that is a though thing to do!.I admire people who can look in the mirror and accept the fact that that is who they are , and that take the blame on themselves,for their actions!.
So this is what I think: If there is a God, he lives in you and if you need to believe in something, believe in yourself!.
(sorry for my english)Www@QuestionHome@Com

great question!

i would have to say its my opinion that God is above all a concept (as evidenced by our discussion about it!), but can be expressed as an entity from our perspective (perhaps through definition) and due to our lack of ability to comprehend the infinite, it tends to fall into the category of definition by default so we are able to grasp it, all the while with the actual definition varying widely depending on who you ask!.

so!.!.!. God is the *idea* of an infinite *entity* which cannot be fully described in finite terms and must be *defined* within the structure of finite reality in order to be understood by the human mindWww@QuestionHome@Com

God is an entity!. One we humans do not yet have enough knowledge to understand yet!.

If you take what we do know so far, and apply it to your life (not the ceremonial, organized religion stuff), you can actually see a difference, and we, as a whole, evolve to a further understanding and better place!.

Try it, it works!. Tolerance, reverance, acceptance, and forgiveness!. The entity designed us this way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'God' or any other deification is simply a similar being to oneself, of which one is a hologram yet existent at a level of sophistication and development and understanding and merit that does far exceed one's own, yet no more or less an entity, and!, to which one can and does develop to a similar state!. And so one may ask of the truth, 'What is God!?' and be accorded the apt, true response, 'You are!.'Www@QuestionHome@Com

neither do we know right now!.
if God was an entity he could have made us feel/shown his presence, though if he is does he even want to!? if you said you have felt good, how do you know its him!? throughout history humans are known to delude themselves!.

being a concept is much more easy to accept, mostly because you dont need concrete physical evidence!.
"God is a concept by which we measure our pain" - John Lennon

definition of what!? isnt it the same as concept!. or something like, definition of how we percieve the world!.

anyway neither of this even the existence of God in the first place!. God could be any or none!. if you want my opinion, i dont have one, because who am i to know!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is a spirit according to Yeshua, John said God is Love, so I believe that God is the spirit of Love, the one thing that holds us together as we are all part of this spirit!.

Love is a verb, so God is a verb, God is what you do to bring love into physical manifestation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is a conceptual entity which influences people perceiving him as a definition into believing he is an actual entity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is an entity imagined by a concept that has a definition which is infinite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is everythingWww@QuestionHome@Com

God is a product of the human imagination!. He is nothing, a mere thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To the majority God is an entity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is an entity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

inconceivable realityWww@QuestionHome@Com

An excuseWww@QuestionHome@Com