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Position:Home>Philosophy> Interrpretation for my favorite?

Question: Interrpretation for my favorite!?
answer!. answer all of these, please, i will interrrpret!.
A!. what is your favorite color and three adjectives
Bwhat is your fav animal and three adjetives as well
C do you swim!?
D you are in a forest!. describe it!. the treess, are there animals how many!? what feelings are attched here, for you!?
EYou come to path!. describe it!?
D you come to a cup!. do you touch it!? what does it look like!? what is in it!? do you keep it!?
E you come to some bears what arethey doing!. do you get away from them!?
FYou come to a key!. describe it please do you take it with you down the path!?
G you come a to a bridge!? is it sturdy!? describe it!? do you cross it!?
H !.you come to some water, describe!. do you swim in it!?
I!. you come to a tree!. same as before what is the tree like!?
J!. you come to a wall describe do you cross it!?
K!. what is on the other side of the wallWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A!. Blue!. Amazing, fabulous, warmth
B!. Meer Cat!. Nimble, alert, cute
C!. Yes!.
D!. Its a fairly dense forest, its summer, beams of sunlight are shinning through the trees leaves!. It only has a few squirrels running up and down the trees collecting nuts!. There is a calm, happy, and relaxed feeling being with nature!.
E!. The path is a dry earth colour, wide enough for 4 people standing side by side and bends slightly!.
D (!?)!. Its a white cup made out of fine china, for drinking tea out of and should have a saucer, but doesn't!. It has a pink flower painted on the side!. I pick it up by the handle, there is nothing in it, so i put it back down and leave it!.
E (!?)!. Theres is 1 bear standing on 2 legs, he looks agressive so i leave!.
F!. The key is gold "cubb" style key, i take it!.
G!. The bridge is an arch brigde made out solid sturdy stone!. It is fairly small and goes over a little river!. I cross the bridge!.
H!. The water is a lake with green reeds sticking out at the sides!. i don't swim!.
I!. The tree is big in diameter and looks very old!. It is in a clearing!.
J!. Its a typical red brick wall, its too high to to go over, i go around!. (oooh, thats some serious bit of psychology!)
K!. Gold!.

wow!. that took a while!. Please answer ; )

edit: what do you mean get a life!? HE (1st answer) has, erm, handball, which is nice!.ehem!. 8?\Www@QuestionHome@Com

A!. Black, Beautiful, Creative, Different
B!. Dolphin, Graceful, Pretty, Cheerful
C!. Yes
D!. Oak trees everywhere, mystical creatures in every tree, curiosity
E!. It is long, and separates into two different road
D!. I touch it, it looks like a cup(!?), it's empty, i do not keep it
E!. They are chasing each other, I approach them
F!. I take it along with me
G!. It is sturdy, I cross it
H!. It is calm, but i do not swim in it
I!. It is rough but magical
J!. It is tall, and i can't cross it
K!. I can't seeWww@QuestionHome@Com

red red red red
dog dog dog dog
hell i do
there are only a black birds
no way
i do keep no matter what it is
i don't look what they i just go away
are you crazy!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

A!. Red!. Dangerous, powerful, mysterious
B!. Rabbit!. Swift, still, cute
C!. yes
D!. A tree fell and no one is there to hear it!. It didn't make a sound!.
E!. A 'Y' intersection!. I flipped a coin and went the way my coin chose!.
D!. It is a golden holy grail!. I left it alone for king authur to find!.
E!. They were eating porridge and a golden haired girl was tied to a tree!. I walked away pretending i didn't see anything!. They left me alone!.
F It was a golden key with a red round ruby in the middle!. I can sell it for a fortune
G!. It was a wooden bridge with no railings whatsoever!. I walked past it without crossing and continued along the side of the river
H!. I continued strolling along the river side and enjoyed the scenery
I!. I walked past the apple tree and exactly the moment i was under it an apple fell and i just happen to catch it!. Now i have an apple to eat!.
J!. It is a city wall, grey and made of bricks!. I followed the wall to see where it ends
K!. A town is on the other side!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A!. white!. bright, large, beautiful
B!. dolphin!. intelligent, cute, playful
C!. yes
D!. 5!. friendly
E!. in the woods, the path curves up the mountain beyond which i cannot see
D!. it's golden with many coloful gemstones!. i hold it!. some water in it!. i don't keep it!.
E!. the bears are minding their own business!. i remain neutral
F!. a large golden key!. i do not take it with me!.
G!. a sturdy wooden bridge!. i cross it
H!. a beautiful glistening pond!. i don't swim in it!.
I!. giant tree that seems to be around for ages!. nice serene peace about it!. nice aroma!.
J!. brick wall only 1 story high!. not too long
K!. a village where people lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com