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Position:Home>Philosophy> POLL: Does living as though you control your own destiny lead to a more powerful

Question: POLL: Does living as though you control your own destiny lead to a more powerful life!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Everything you do in this life is by choice!.

Every choice you make puts you in the
position you're in!.
Whether it's a position that brings positive
results to your life, or one that seems to put
you in the wrong place at the wrong time, it's
still a position you are in because of your own
choices that put you there!.

In other words, you DO control your own destiny!.
As to whether or not this knowledge will "lead to
a more powerful life" depends on ones definition
of "power"!.

If by 'power' you mean the knowledge to make
the choices that will lead to your own personal
success or failure!.!.!.!.!.!.
then the answer is an unequivocal
When all is said and done, you are in charge of
your own destiny!.!.!.and that knowledge gives you
the power to steer that destiny in any direction!.

Your question gives me the impression you don't feel
as though you have any control over your own existence!.
That must be a sad, lonely little powerless place to be!.

Peace my friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a more power full life!? I don't know if that's the way I would choose to describe it, I know God is ultimately In charge of my life, I choose him to be (asked him) if you will, and I know he guides me everyday and even though I'm close to him that doesn't mean I'm not going to have trials and tribulations but it's different I found out because there not the ones I've caused daily myself, I use to live a very bad life and make a lot of bad decisions and cause my own bad problems but I caused these problems these days I have problems but I can get through them easier because I have him and the great people he has put in my life to guide and help me through the hard times it's just a different way of living and I'd never go back this high is better than any other drug you can get! And it's great to be able to look at myself at the end of the day and like the person looking back, so No I don't control my own destiny and I wouldn't want to, I'm sure he has something so much better than I could ever even dream of, I hope this helps,,,,,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depending on what you wish your destiny to be, yes!. If you believe that you have control then you will not entertain the thought of waiting for it to come you divinely, therefore striving even harder to get what it is you wish to achieve!. The knowledge that everything that needs to be done to reach your goal must be done by you is fuel to get it done faster!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Answers to existential questions like this will vary based on the culture of the answerer!. If you believe you control your own destiny I would think you already are living a fairly 'powerful' life!. The problem will be when an inevitable fork in the road trips you, will you berate yourself for causing it or will you change your belief to one of those saying we don't control our destiny at all!? I am old enough to know that neither I nor you can control destiny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The syntax of your question leads to the inferrence that we do NOT control our own destiny, but that we ought to act that way!. Kant said the same thing about God; that we need to act as if he exists, implying that perhaps God does not exist (and indeed Kant never set out to prove God exists--only that we ought to believe it!.)

So my answer to your Q is "No!."

What does lead to a more powerful life!?: dismissing as silly and irrational the implication that we ought to live "as if" we controlled our own destiny!. To live "as if" means we don't believe it any more than an atheist believes in God!.

What leads to a more powerful life is acting in the knowledge that nothing gets done without action, and that ends have causes, and that human causes are "volitional", i!.e!., of free will, and that free will exists, therefore destiny (as in predistination) does not exist!.

If you do not mean destiny as "predistination," but instead mean that we do indeed have free will and our futures are not written in stone or in the stars or in the clouds or in the cards or on the palm of our hand--then your syntax is poor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most Definitely! How we think about something can either positively or negatively address how we approach it!.

If I feel that!.!.!.let's say!.!.!. driving a car is a part of my destiny!.!.!.!. I'll approach learning to drive with a wide open mind and receptors as big as the Atlantic and Listening ears as long as the Nile!.!.!.

If i feel within myself that I am destined to do something or be someone!.!.!.!. I am empowering myself everytime I take take a breath!.

So To answer your question!.!.!.YES!Www@QuestionHome@Com

not to me, if you lead your life thinking that you can conroll it, you are living in denial!. no one can control destiny!. unlike what most people want to think!. therefore, thinkning that you control your destiny makes you weak!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say YES!.!.And I like the First answer!.!.I worked hard to be the Best at what I did and was well known for it!. And I did this for 18 years!.!. Would I do it again considering what I know now--NO!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Powerful in regards to the way you view your life, sure!. But that doesnt translate into real power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It may seem to be that way, but I just think it all depends on how far you go and what your doing to get there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe but it doesnt work out or happen how you wish it tooWww@QuestionHome@Com