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Position:Home>Philosophy> If we try to compare ?

Question: If we try to compare !?
What l believe is Death people are much more than aliving people !.!. what l see is everywhere cemetery , one is born , the another one dies , tousand of people are dying every minute because of the acciedents or things like this!.!. , do you think its balance !? if there is no balance about aliving and dying people , then would eat eacother maybe cuz of poorness !.!. do you think God makes a balance about this !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Almost every were in the universe you can find balance!.Life must be balanced by death!.Contrary to what the first answer said death is in no way evil!.It is natural!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have observed that some indeed are more dead in life than the physically dead lying prostrated in cemeteries’!. He who fears is already dead, worse than dead for the dead are allowed respite but the fearful walk and toil in the shadow of fear and death!.

Fearfulness and ignorance hold captive in fear and enslavement to his fears than the dead who are freed from this battling with ones demons!. Enslavement is to live defensively, fighting with others who you envy or covet or lust or are angered by!. Man is a slave and captive of his own sinful nature and of those he seeks whether in love, lust or anger!.

Indeed the western culture turns the grindstone and profits if not prospers from mans fears and needs!. Man then scuttles from religion, to media to peers, seeking salvation, unity, freedom, love and peace!. From pillar to post he cuts down those who deter him, pursues those he feels are his allies and ends nowhere farther than where he began!.

The toil, the ardour, the pain and suffering, the longing and the love!.!.is it living or simply struggle and suffering borne by the unborn and uncreated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a balance in life and death or the world would be over populated!. Death is evil, but, life is precious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com